Climate Space is an original idea of pianist and composer Ludovico Einaudi that extends his commitment to climate action that led to 'Elegy for the Artic’, a piece he composed in support of Greenpeace’s 2016 “Save the Arctic” campaign and performed on a floating platform in front of the Wahlenbergbreen glacier in the Svalbard Islands. Since, we have produced three Climate Spaces in Milan 2019, Melpignano and Milan 2021 together with several Climate Space moments within festivals such as WeWorld in Milan and Dromos in Oristano in the summer 2022.

Climate Space aims to advance the cultural transition to a sustainable society by blending art, science, innovation, activism and participation and offering positive imaginaries, feasible and desirable, of what a sustainable future looks like. Within Climate Space, short films play a central role in framing the opportunity space we explore in poetic, beautiful, visual language.

City/Nature is the theme we have chosen for this year Climate Space at Teatro Dal Verme in Milan where Ludovico Einaudi will play 11 concerts in December. A shortfilm will be screened before and after each concert followed by short talks and conversations with the audience. Our intent this year is to explore overlaps and blends between nature and city and overcome the tension between urban and natural environments.

To compose the programme we are looking for short films (between 10 and 40 minutes long) that explore the changing relationship between cities and nature. Short films with a positive spin that tell stories of urban biodiversity and wildlife; reforestation and rewilding; urban agriculture in its multiple forms, from community gardens to hydroponics; nature-based solutions to clean water, air, soil and regenerate life; nature-inspired circular materials and processes; ecological boundary areas between urban and natural landscapes; among many other possible stories.

We would be happy if you would share your work on the theme City/Nature with us.

Any filmmaker can apply or suggest interesting films on topic. The artistic committee will make the choice.

Overall Rating
  • It's been a pleasure and a honor to be part of Climate Space, a very useful, interesting and committed festival which has a different-than-most proposal as an event, and is very helpful to help raising consciousness and protecting our planet through spreading information and taking specific actions.

    February 2023
  • Hello and thank you for the best festival and hosting - kindness - follow up moment by moment and we always felt love by your side, especially in dear Valentina and dear Fabio

    December 2022
  • thank you very much for everything

    December 2022