- Participation is open to all artists and environmentalists, amateur as well as professional, from all over the world, except Syria, Iran, North Korea, or Crimea. The Competition's organizers and judges are also excluded from participation.
- Participants should submit images that present important issues, observations or solutions related to the Climate Crisis.
- Participants must completely fill-out the online entry form.
- Participants must pay entry fee(s). Youth category (under 18): $15 for each entry (maximum 2 entries); Other categories: $25 for first entry, $20 for second entry per category (maximum 2 entries per category).
- Awards include $1000 for Best in Show, and a total of $3400 including category winners.
- Submissions must include the artist’s name, title of work, date created, dimensions and original medium for each image submitted.
- Participants are encouraged, but not required to include an "Artist’s Statement" explaining their artistic endeavors, and any broad comments they may have about the Climate Crisis.
- Images must meet the specific objective of the category in which they are submitted, as follows:
1. Cartoon- Any Single panel or Multi-panel cartoon, containing a humorous or important political message.
2. Creative Image- Any image which addresses any aspect of the climate crisis. The image can be created, for example by painting, drawing, sketch, digital creation, or photography, or any combination, and must be presented digitally. (Photographs that have had "substantial" digital editing belong in this category. Photographs with only basic digital photo editing belongs in the "Photograph" category.)
3. Photograph- Any photographic image presented digitally. Basic digital photo editing is allowed- color balance, contrast adjustment, and cropping. Any photograph with substantial digital editing should be submitted in the "Creative Image" category.
4. Solutions- An image presented digitally which expresses or depicts a strategy or product or process to reduce or limit the Climate Crisis or the impact of the Crisis. Note that existing commercial products or processes are not allowed. By submitting in this category, the participant certifies that, to the best of their knowledge, no commercial version or variation of the depicted product or process currently exists.
5. Poster- Any image containing photograph(s), drawing(s), and/or text meant to be displayed or carried to promote or protest against any aspect of the Climate Crisis. An entry in this category might be called a "Protest Poster".
6. Youth (under 18)- Any image which addresses any aspect of the climate crisis- this is similar to the "Creative Image" category, but only youth under 18 as of October 5, 2019, may submit in this Category. There are no financial awards in this category.
- Any participant may submit up to 2 entries in any category, and may submit in multiple categories, but must pay an entry fee for each submission.
- Images must be submitted as digital images, in .JPG file format, with a maximum file size of 10 MB. Make sure that your image looks great at 11x17 inch size- winning entries will be printed and displayed at that size. (Note- Participants should maintain their original images in a lossless format like TIFF or PNG, and should create their submitted JPG file directly from their original. Never compress the file and then compress the compressed file again in order to meet the maximum file size requirement. Instead adjust your JPG compression settings and re-compress from your original TIFF or PNG file.)
- DO NOT send or bring your original artwork, unless your original is your digital art/image. We will not be responsible for displaying or handling your original art. Thank you.
- Images must have been created within the last 24 months.
- The applicant must have full copyright and privacy rights over the submitted images. The organizers of the Competition are not liable for disputes arising from their lack.
- Participants retain all copyright of their images, but they grant a limited, perpetual use license to the Climate Crisis Art Competition and affiliated entities for promotion of the Competition and related uses. Participants grant the use of their image(s) as stated without further contact or compensation from the Competition.
- Images which are not properly submitted shall be rejected. Submitted entries must not contain any copyright marks or watermarks.
- The Competition reserves the right to adjust any deadline(s) as the result of causes beyond its immediate control. The Competition reserves the right to reject any inappropriate submission, without refund. The Competition reserves the right to not award all awards if insufficient appropriate entries are submitted in any category.
- Please note that we will not individually acknowledge the receipt of applications given the volume of submissions received. Your receipt from your submission is your confirmation.
- By entering into the competition, paying the entry fee(s), and by uploading their images, participants agree to all Terms and Conditions, as listed here. Participants also agree to the Terms and Conditions of www.FilmFreeway.com.
- Questions: Contact Climate.Crisis.Act.Now@gmail.com or ClimateCrisisArtCompetition.wordpress.com