The Cinema Fairfield Series of Shorts is a monthly series that screens the winning films as special pre-show engagements for regularly scheduled feature film screenings. The series culminates in an annual event where-in the winners will be showcased in a festival of short blocks.
We seek short films of any genre (20 min. or less) that have a Midwest connection (cast, crew, theme, location etc.). Special consideration will be given to films that attempt to make peace between divided groups, build community and spread joy.
Winners can expect to have their film promoted and screened by Cinema Fairfield as well as opportunities for Q&A’s and in-depth interviews.

Bi-Monthly Juror Awards, Annual Best of Juror Award and Runner-up Selection

The Cinema Fairfield Series of Shorts has a rolling deadline through May 1st, 2023. Winners will be notified within 60 days of their submission. Bi-Monthly Juror Award winners will have their film screened as a special pre-show to feature films, as well as be invited to the culminating annual festival (TBD) to compete for the Best of Juror and Runner-up awards.