Cinecibo è un festival del cinema a tema gastronomico.

Si propone di valorizzare la corretta alimentazione e il cinema di qualità attraverso una competizione tra opere audiovisive.

Gli award vengono consegnati, durante una serata di gala che si tiene a Roma, alle migliori scene di cibo della stagione cinematografica.

La direzione organizzativa è di Donato Ciociola.

Cinecibo is a cinema festival related to gourmet themes.

It aims to value proper nutrition and quality cinema through a competition between audiovisual work.

The best scenes related to food will be award in Rome during a gala night.

Donato Ciociola is the artistic director.

Ai vincitori andrà il Premio Cinecibo ed altri riconoscimenti che saranno specificati successivamente sul sito e sul profilo Facebook

The winners receive the prize from Cinecibo and other awards that will be indicated on and on the official Facebook page

Il partecipante potrà inviare il materiale sopra indicato tramite il sito, indicando nell’oggetto: “Corto Cinecibo Festival 2024” entro il 15 novembre 2024, al seguente indirizzo e-mail:

I lavori che perverranno oltre la data su indicata non verranno presi in considerazione. Si declina ogni responsabilità del mancato funzionamento telematico.

Il bando è online al seguente link:

- obbligo di scene di cibo
- sottotitoli in italiano per i film stranieri

The competitor can send the materials indicated before through the website The email, that will be sent to until the 15th of November 2024, must include in the object the following sentence: "Corto Cinecibo Festival 2024".

The works received after the date indicated won't be examined.
We accept no responsability.

The call is online, at the following link:

- the works must include food scenes;
- the foreign works must include Italian subtitles;

Overall Rating
  • Marko Plejić

    Means a lot to have our film "Risotto" be part of the festival selection :)

    December 2024
  • Unfortunately my experience has been negative. I was called on early December and was invited to the final ceremony in Rome with my short, because it was in the final shortlist. All good, I buy my train tickets and give the good news to everyone involved in the film. However, one day before the event they call me to tell me that there has been a mistake: the jury didn't receive my film on time and they already decided the winner, hence, there was no point for me to even go to the ceremony. They try to blame me for sending the file too late after the closure of the subscription (which was two weeks earlier), but I try to explain to them that I have been contacted by them already after the closure of the entry (which I normally did here on filmfreeway some months before). In the end it turns out that they wrote me some days earlier but at the wrong email (because of a typo they send it to someone else). So here I am, sadly writing this, having also lost my train tickets without refund. I wish it went differently.

    December 2023
  • Serhat Çakılcıoğlu

    Thanks this festival. Good communication.

    December 2022
  • Stanka Gjuric

    A wonderful festival! Thanks for the award. I am thrilled.

    December 2022
  • Vittorio Caratozzolo

    Surely an exciting experience, despite of our impossibility to follow all festival days. Me and Elena we are proud to have been finalists with our simple short movie. Thanks a lot to the jury.

    December 2022