• Applications for the competition are submitted through the form posted on the Festival page on the Film Free Way website:
• Deadline for submitting applications for the competition: January 9 – February 10, 2025.
• The deadline for the announcement of the selection results: no later than March 10, 2025.
• There is no fee for submitting a film to the Festival competition.
• The films selected for the competition will be shown without paying the authors for the screening.
• Films from 1 to 120 minutes in length are accepted for the competition.
• Films submitted for the competition must be created no earlier than January 1, 2015.
• Russian films are accepted in the original language. The presence of English subtitles is desirable, but not necessary.
• Foreign films are accepted in English, and/or with English subtitles.
• The festival does not consider unfinished works.
• Films selected for the competition can be shown within the framework of the competition programs no more than 2 times in the Atom pavilion (Moscow, VDNH, Prospekt Mira, 119, p. 19).
• Persons applying for the Festival guarantee that their work does not contain copyrighted material, rights to the use of which they do not own.
• The festival does not impose any restrictions on the film in terms of the premiere status or its availability on the Internet.
• The Festival does not cover the cost of accommodation for nonresident participants, the cost of purchasing air tickets, train tickets to/from Moscow, taxis to/from the airport to the city, as well as the cost of meals during the duration of the Festival participant's stay in Moscow.
• In order to disseminate information and promote the Festival in any media, the Festival reserves the right to use any episode from the film of the competition program lasting no more than 60 seconds. During the preparation and holding of the Festival, episodes (teasers, trailers) of selected films can be shown at festival venues, in television commercials advertising the festival, on the Festival website and in multimedia presentations.
• The Festival reserves the right to use film footage in promotional materials (festival catalog, festival magazine, flyers, posters, billboards, website and multimedia presentations), as well as to provide them to the media in order to disseminate information about the Festival.