Critical Mass: CI@50
locating the past, present, & future of the form

Video Screening Call for Entries
We invite Contact Improvisation practitioners and/or filmmakers to celebrate the collaboration between CI and film.

As part of the 5-day event (July 7-11, 2022) hosted by Oberlin College in Oberlin OH, Critical Mass will present a live film screening of short dance films. We are looking for contemporary works that consider CI in diverse and expansive cinematic ways. Film submission should be 12 minutes or under in length; works created within the last five to ten years are encouraged.

The screening will be presented at the Apollo Theatre in downtown Oberlin on July 7, 2022. More information about Critical Mass: CI 50

Guiding Values for Panel Review:

This contemporary film festival strives to screen a program that reflects diversity in genre, form, and representation. It provides a platform for films that are influenced or inspired by Contact Improvisation.

Among many possibilities, some guiding questions might include:

1. How might the film investigate CI as it lives and breathes?
2. How might the film showcase compelling movement and cinematography?
3. How might the film convey proprioception and sensory experience?
4. What is the curiosity around the synergy between CI and the camera?

Panel Reviewers:
Jennifer Keller
Rosa Lina Lima
Kyra Norman
Rosie Trump

-Limit two entries per person.
-By submitting to the festival, you are agreeing to work with the festival organizers to provide the film in its highest quality digital format.
-By submitting to the festival, you are agreeing that you have secured all the copyright rights, including music and sound, for public screening of this work.
-If a film features spoken elements, the filmmaker must be willing to work with the organizers to ensure closed captioning can be provided for the film.
-Films that do not align with the CI 50 mission statement of inclusion will not be considered

Critical Mass: CI@50 MISSION STATEMENT: Critical Mass: CI@50 strives to create a space where all dancers are seen and respected in their participation and contribution to the event. We are committed to examining the culture of Contact Improvisation and acknowledging its history of non consensual transgressions, inequity, ableism, sexism, and racism, and recognizing the ways these power imbalances continue to influence the spaces we co-create. We strive to engage in a continual process of educating ourselves and acting for transformation.