CAFF, the Cultural Animation Film Festival is designed to showcase unique animated films based on the cultures of who we are. Our hopes is that these films will shed a better light on who we are as a people. We also hope that CAFF will inspire animators both new and seasoned from around the world to create films and share their stories.

Guidelines for submission are pretty straight forward.

Animation/live action combo, video game demos and experimental films are also accepted for submission however Live Action films, AI based animated films or short and Animation Reels will not be accepted.

This is a competitive festival in three categories.
CAFF Jury Award
Best Student Film
Best Young Animator

*Please note, live action films and AI based animated films will automatically be disqualified.

When submitting films please include the following:
Directors name(s)
Animators name(s)
Synopsis of film
A film viewing link
Culture represented
Is this a school or student project?
Company's name (if applicable)​

Overall Rating
  • Stuart Taylor

    An absolutely fabulous Festival. Great communication. You could tell the enthusiasm and love of children's creativity. The festival would be very high on my "must go to pick up ideas" list, but much too far away from Oxford. Thank you for all the very hard work you must put in

    October 2023
  • Such a positive experience! Great communication! Thank you for including “Love Has No Borders” in your wonderful lineup.

    October 2023
  • Thank you for the warm coordination. Aloha! We enjoyed making our film Wetsitales : The Carabao and the Shell and Wetsitales : Tilin the Rice Bird. We also enjoyed making the coloring sheets for your audience!

    November 2022
    Response from festival:

    You're welcome! it was a pleasure screening your films!

  • Surya Shankar Dash

    Honoured for participating amongst a great selection.

    October 2022
    Response from festival:

    Thank you so much!

  • The best festival and best experiences

    October 2022
    Response from festival:

    Thank you so much! :)