Pamela Oliver Munoz is a filmmaker, animator, photographer, and songwriter who lives to create in every way she can. She earned her B.S. in Art from UW-Madison, and her Elementary and Art Education degree from Pan American (UTRGV). Her short film "One Person At A Time" won at The Filmmakers for Climate Change, and her short film "The Scariest Stories Are Those We Don't Tell" won first place at Tongal. Her 2023 short musical film "Whatever It Takes" took home the best actor award. She writes, directs, films and edits all her films. Her animation "Love Has No Borders" won first place at the San Diego Migrant Voices Today film challenge in 2023, and was a finalist at Stockholm City Festival and Humboldt International Film Festivals. Blind Love won best animation at STXIFF as well as the Independent Spirit Award at The Basin Short Film Festival. Her animations are the closest to her heart as they combine her loves - writing, drawing, filmmaking, songwriting, photography, editing - to create stories that joyfully flow through her to the screen.