The "Buddyfilmfestival" is a festival of festivals.
The winter festival is dedicated to the memory of the great Russian actor Viktor Proskurin.
The summer festival is an animated film festival and the autumn festival is a documentary film festival.

what is the mission of our film festival?

What's in the world now?
Impotence. Hatred. Rejection. Lack of choice. Hopelessness. Irresponsibility. Consciousness of the Victim.
Are these states familiar?
What could lead humanity to this paradigm of consciousness?
Duality of thinking. Recognition of the linearity of time.
The confidence that everything happens is there, outside of you, and they are all responsible for my life. No, not me.
What should we do about it?
Change to equal, but opposite.
Strength of mind. Love. Agreement. Choice. Responsibility. Consciousness of the Creator. The creator of your reality.
Start feeling. Myself. Yourself and the world around you.
Everything starts with yourself.

Buddyfilmfestival is a festival of festivals and a year-round cross-cultural platform/film laboratory, which will explore the themes of the uniqueness of man as the Creator of his reality in co-creation with his divine component.

"Best Feature Film"

"Best Short Film"

"The best Documentary"

"The best animated film"

"The best social Film"

"The best film about nature"

"The best film about animals"

"Best Director"

"Best Actor"

"Best Actress"

"Buddyfilmfestival" is an annual international competition of Russian and foreign films.

Films with a production date older than 2 years must have a rental certificate of the Russian Federation.
The film does not have to be a premiere.
The timing is no more than 120 minutes.
The content must not violate the laws of the Russian Federation.
Films are accepted:
Full meter (60-120 minutes). Games of all genres, documentaries, animation.
Short meter (1-59 minutes). Games of all genres, documentaries, animation.
Applications can be sent by filling out the form below, or on the festival's partner sites (link).
The entrance and registration fee is 3000 rubles, which is mandatory for consideration of the application. IMPORTANT: The fee is non-refundable and does not give a 100% guarantee of the film's participation in the competition program of the festival.
The jury considers applications only after the entrance fee is received.
Russian Russian-language movies - we recommend to have Russian subtitles.
All materials are submitted online (links must be active before the start of the festival). important: We guarantee that the full version of the film will be shown only as part of the competition program, and will not be transferred to third parties without the written consent of the content copyright holder.
All submitted materials, except for the full version of the film, the organizers have the right to use on all available sites to advertise the festival.