Addressing you - Creators of worlds behind the scenes, we welcome you to our annual Brugge Genre Shorts.
We exist so that you can share your vision with the world.
Each day of screening we will uncover new layers of filmmaking together with you.
Drama. Focusing on the emotional aspects and conflicts of the characters.
Comedy. Through the prism of satire we will live the poignant questions of life and death, with a joke will pass the way of the dramatic hero.
Horror. Let's live out the worst-case scenario of our fears. We will immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of tension and horror. Scared, shocked and disgusted.
Action. Let's focus on dynamic shots, fighting and action.
Romance. Illuminate all facets of love and emotional experiences of partners.
Documentary movie.
Let's share with the hero a true event, a story. Together we will experience phenomena, facts and hypotheses.
Let's live the issues of humanity, the relationship between archetypal images and their inner psychological experiences.
A genre of movies about criminals and crimes, where the basis is cunning scams, gangster gangs, daring robberies, sharp chases and the fight against the underworld.
Let's get acquainted with the author's visual images created from the author's feelings of this world.
Teleport to fictional worlds where the main characters meet unreal creatures and phenomena. Become a witness to the struggle of good and evil.
All these facets will be revealed together with the participants at the festival!
Our next event will happen in 10-15 November in Cine Liberty.
See you soon!
We will be glad to show your works to the audience. Thank you for sharing your creative energy with the world!
Best Genre Category
Best Short Film
Best Documentary
Best Actress
Best Actor
Best Director