BPFF seeks films of any length by filmmakers of any nationality about Palestine, the Palestinian people, or the Palestinian narrative. Submitted films must be related to Palestine or the Palestinian narrative in order to be considered. BPFF does not charge an entry fee, but requests that you consider the relevancy of your film to our criteria before submission.
Please complete all sections of the FilmFreeway submission form for your film. In order to be considered, your submission should also contain:
SCREENER: An online url and password of the screener available to BPFF until October 31, 2024 (only online submissions will be accepted). Submitted works should have been produced between 2021 and 2024.
LANGUAGE: All foreign language entries must be subtitled in English.
IMAGES: At least two (2) images to represent your film, and one (1) director image (headshot). The smallest dimension should be at least 1000 px, and the file should be saved as a jpg at highest quality.
EXHIBITION FORMATS: Selected works must be provided in final exhibition form (including English subtitles) no later than September 13, 2024. Any works currently in production may be submitted as rough cuts as long as final cuts will be available by this deadline.
-Accepted exhibition formats (in order of preference): DCP, BluRay, HD file on physical drive (<1 gig per min). A backup should also be provided. Depending upon the scheduled venue and platform, you may be asked for a .mp4 or .mov file.
LEGAL: Submitter attests that they are authorized, or acting on behalf of any person or entity that has ownership rights in the work, to submit it to the Festival and represents that this submission will not violate any law or any right of the person.
-Submitter accepts that the Boston Palestine Film Festival, their fiscal sponsor, their officers, and their affiliated entities, are not liable for any damage to, or loss of, materials submitted to or from the Festival or during the course of the Festival’s possession of the work.
-Submitters agree that expenses incurred by submitting the film will not be met by BPFF.
CONTACT: If any of the guidelines or terms listed above are unclear, it is important that you contact us before submitting your film: submissions@bostonpalestinefilmfest.org