There are many different "walls" in the world. Some are visible, some are invisible, and some are not even known to exist. The "Borderless Film Festival" aims to make these things visible, to think together about what they are, and to consider ways to overcome or deal with them.
We are looking for films of all genres, of all lengths, on the theme of "borderless" or "stranger".
This film festival is a route to connect the world. Please show us the world you are trying to show us.
The first festival was held in November 2020 with 13 documentaries and 5 talk programs online, mainly in Japan and Indonesia.
The second festival was held in March 2022 with Sendai as the first "port of call" under the concept of "Drifting Film Festival". Thirteen documentary films were screened and three talk programs were held in conjunction with the online program.
For the third festival, we will screen films at Sendai Mediatheque in Sendai, Kurukuru Kissa Utsumi in Kesennuma, and online. We will also hold a competition for the first time.
Sendai and Kesennuma are regional cities in Japan that experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Japan is facing problems such as low birthrate, aging population, depopulation, scarcity of energy and other resources, and long-term economic stagnation, all of which were accelerated by the Great East Japan Earthquake. In other words, these regional cities are the most future-oriented in Japan.
There will be three awards:
Certificates will be issued to the winners.
Award-winning films will be screened at the Sendai or Kesennuma venues or online. Japanese subtitles will be provided by the organizers.