Can films change the world?

Yes, they can.

That is what we strongly believe.

Therefore we invite all filmmakers to offer their solutions for a better world.
We want to learn from you filmmakers. That makes our film festival different from all the others.

Why? We look for films that show solutions to make the world better.
And there are many of us that never get the chance to be part of a forward looking festival.

Therefore we celebrate all of you brave and courageous filmmakers out there. We accept all genres. All length. All production years.


Detlev F. Neufert, founded the Better World Film Festival in 2018. The location was the magical tent in the Seidl Villa in Murnau, Bavaria. It was the place where the famous director Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau (1888-1931) has lived. His real name was Friedrich Wilhelm Plumpe and he was born in Bielefeld. After a longer stay in Murnau he named himself after this cosy town in Bavaria with the movie-like mountain scenery. Possibly also because the famous avant-garde artists' colony there - Wassily Kandinsky, Franz Marc, Arnold Schönberg, August Macke - corresponded to his own artistic credo.

He is considered the inventor of the 'subjective camera' and changed the viewing habits of the public with his then revolutionary montage technique. The introduction of Murnau's 'subjective camera' found its successors in today's selfie cult. His films like 'Nosferatu', 'Sunrise', 'The Last Man' and 'Taboo' are classics of film history.

Places can develop a sucking energy, an astonishing magic and they can let intentions arise from coincidences. So it is perhaps not surprising that the 1st Better World Film Festival was taking place in Murnau's Murnau.

The idea of a BETTER WORLD FILM FESTIVAL arose from the consideration that the many doomsday scenarios, the daily disaster reports, the fake news that confuses the mind and heart, the addiction of TV stations and film producers to murder and manslaughter, the proposals for a better world had to be countered.


Our request to you:
Make the BETTER WORLD FILM FESTIVAL your heart's desire.

Submit the films of yours that advocate solutions. Solutions that could change the world.

They may have lain in your archives for years. They can fall out of all time grids. They can be funny, old-fashioned, clever, eccentric and deeply serious. They can be documentary, economic, scientific, artistic and of course a love story. Just let them get your audience. It's part of our job as filmmakers. As we said: Solutions!

In short:
We want to show that filmmakers all over the world develop their own ideas about the future of our planet and put them into film.

Please register at FilmFreeway. Please choose the country under which the film should be registered. This is usually the production country, the film location or the director's country of origin. This is necessary because the Jury will have that as the only category: the country!


The prize that is awarded for this is very much in the spirit of Murnau, named after his film: "Sunrise".

Everyone who achieves the necessary number of points for the screenings at the festival will receive the exhilarating trophy. The swinging trophy!

Films that are selected by the jury but do not make it into the program structure will also receive the SUNRISE trophy. They will be screened at the festival as trailers.

This also distinguishes us from conventional and inscrutable film festivals. With us there is no 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize. Everyone who receives the SUNRISE trophy is an equal winner. Here too we want to give the world a little nudge.

BWFF goes international. We will coorporate with different cinemas in different countries. The filmmakers/producers agree that the festival screening programm will be shown there. This helps to promote the films and give the filmmakers the opportunity to be remarked internationally. This service is for free for the filmmakers and producers.


For pupils and students and films for a young audience there is the "young Sunrise" with the same criteria. Don 't worry if you are not sure if your film fits this criteria. The Jury will do the choices. Young or old. Never mind.

Our festival is for solution approaches and solution messages.

Because since Murnau, moving images have lost none of their power even not for for young people either. Why not use films for a better world?

That may sound idealistic and it is. Without the many idealists in the world, the planet would long ago only be inhabitable with gas masks.

Idealism comes from ideas. Finding them and bundling them in a festival is the intention of our BETTER WORLD FILM FESTIVAL (BWFF).

Hence the call to filmmakers, film historians and all those interested in film: Present your films, which you think could serve this goal, publicly.

Use BETTER WORLD FILM FESTIVAL to show that there is indeed an alternative to today's media tyranny, which hardly notices your work and certainly does not appreciate it. Because there are wonderful films, only nobody can see them. We want to change that.

Also Murnau had to make this experience and he also has this in common with many of us: He financed against Hollywood with his private fortune, went nearly bankrupt and nevertheless continued.

What did he do? He bought a sailing yacht and shot 'Taboo' in the South Seas and had another success. This time as a courageous and independent director. He's a role model for us here as well. Murnau, the indipendent!

Just before the premiere he died in a car accident. Coincidence? On purpose? Perhaps also an indication of how short and unpredictable life is. And so let's not waste any more time.


This festival wants to leave the well-worn and authoritarian tracks of international film festivals, wants a democratic, transparent and forward-looking approach of the audience for a medium that today more than ever has become an uncontrollable force for impact throughout the world.

This is why we have decided to take the spectacular step of making an Internet jury possible. This means that anyone can become a member of the BWFF jury. We want the audience to choose the best of the best.

As filmmakers we have experienced ourselves how opaque and dominated by lobbyists the international juries work. We are sure that you are the better jury. The audience has always been and still is a jury after every visit to the cinema. Even if it is only private.
At BWFF you are allowed to be the official jury.

So, take the chance and become a jury member and do so from home or wherever you are. With a simple point system, sorted by country. There are no more criteria. You are not obliged to see all the movies. You are not obliged at all. But as a JURY member you can even see the movies of the last years and find out how much passion we filmmakers have to change the world.


The films with the most scored solutions will be shown in 2023 in Munich in the famous MUSEUM LICHTSPIELE Kino.

So through the BETTER WORLD FILM FESTIVAL we can and want to prove that the audience is highly interested in finding solutions for the survival of the planet and as a.basic of empathy.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Quite simply. We want a rational and beautiful world.


Everyone who participates in the BWFF via FilmFreeway, be it as a filmmaker or as a jury, automatically takes part in the big final lottery. On the final day of the festival the winner will be publicly announced in front of all party guests. This is optional.

The two prizes are wonderful and very special: Bamboo bicycles from Ghana. These solid, stable, elegant and environmentally correct bikes are a real pleasure to look at and ride.
Look at the lottery page and for more informations:

The BETTER WORLD FILM FESTIVALS is one of the most important film festivals of the world. We love to have you with us and good luck for your daily life

"SUNRISE" Better World Film Festival Trophy
Bamboo Bike for Lottery Price of submitting filmmakers.(optional)
Bamboo Bike for Lottery Price for the Internet Jury (optional)
"YOUNG SUNRISE" trophy for best school film and young audience

We accept:

1. All genres

2. All production years

3. All film length.

4) DCP is our standard! If you cannot send a DCP, please contact the FESTIVAL.
Im Eck 1
55471 Wüschheim


1. By submitting to the festival you confirm that you accept all the Rules & Terms.

2. All content in your film/video must be owned by the filmmaker, or you must have expressed written permission to use for exhibition.

3. The competition is open to professional and nonprofessional filmmakers.

4. Films not in the English language must be subtitled in English.

5. You agree to use parts of your film (including trailer/teaser/film poster/stills) for promotional purpose.

6. Multiple entries are allowed for each filmmaker.

7. The appropriate entry fee must accompany each entry. This nonrefundable fee covers screening and handling costs, and will not be returned

8. All films must be submitted via FilmFreeway.

9. If your film is selected, we reserve the right to use images or videos solely for marketing and promotional purposes for Better World Filmfestival.

10. If your film/video is selected by the internet Jury for screening you will be informed by email.

11. All AWARD winners for the Festival will get the SUNRISE Trophy. If the winners cannot take part in the festival the trophy will be sent to their given address. Transport costs depend on the country of the postal adress.

12. The decisions of the Jury President are final.

We do not accept:

1. Propaganda or Extremist content from religious or political organizations.

2. Films with a poor production standard (bad sound, lack of subtitles/captions for non-English films, video resolution less than 720p HD


1. Better World Film Festival film festival showcases films that show solutions for a better world made by filmmakers 22 years old and younger from around the world.

2. Better World Film Festival strives to encourage the talent of young artists and to provide them with opportunities to tell their stories.

3. Any school can take part.

4. All genres are allowed

5. All length are allowed.

6. Films or videos using non-licensed, copyrighted musical or literary or any other copyright properties without legal permission are not eligible.

7. Films not in the English language must be subtitled in English.

8. The films must be submitted via FilmFreeway.

9. The appropriate entry fee must accompany each entry. This nonrefundable fee covers screening and handling costs, and will not be returned

10. The selected film will be screened at the Better World Film Festival.

11. The winner will get a „young sunrise“ Award. The trophy will be send to the winners in case they cannot join the festival.

12.The decisions of the Jury President are final.

We do not accept:

1. Propaganda or Extremist content from religious or political organizations.

2. Films with a poor production standard (bad sound, lack of subtitles/captions for non-English films, video resolution less than 720p HD

Overall Rating
  • First of all thank you to Detlev, Margarethe and Mario for organizing this amazing festival. Thanks to all the great film makers joining, amazing people too.
    It was first time joining a festival as film maker, and it was the One. The aim of the festival is to give a voice to film which normally wouldn't get in a standard festival. The program was so great that we join it at 11am for our doc but then continued watching all other movies until 11pm... no time for lunch and a short dinner... If you look for a festival to get mainstream and get contracts signed, that maybe not for you but if you look more for independent festival which gives voices to film makers who have something to tell, that's the One. Munich was also nice place to discover, we don't regret the money invested to fly from Indonesia, well invested with life time memories. Danke vielmals.

    November 2024
    Response from festival:

    You are wonderful filmmakers and your work is more important then so many productions who are just made to make money. Gon on!!!

  • Mamaki Film

    A wonderful festival! I want to express my deepest respect and gratitude to the entire festival team, especially to Detlev F. Neufert, Margarethe Stadlbauer and Mario Hill. You create such a welcoming and nurturing space for creativity, exploration, and connection with the best of what’s new. Thank you for helping make the world a better place. I truly hope we meet again many times in the future! Best wishes, Evgeniia Lapteva

    October 2024
    Response from festival:

    Thank you so much, dear Evgeniia. You make our day shine brighter!!!

  • Thanks for selecting my film "TABU.auf.BRUCH". We had a nice time at the festival. Very friendly and familiar atmosphere.

    October 2024
    Response from festival:

    No taboo for us to congratualate your share for an open minded and mind freed future. Go on!!!

  • Incredible Festival. Fantastic Movie selection. The theme this year was "Healing The Soul" and "Speaking Truth". We are honored and humbled to have received the prestigious Sunrise Award. Happy to have been able to attend the Festival and for our film to be included among such great and uplifting works.

    The organizers are amazing and very kind. The venue is fantastic, Kino Museum-Lichtspiele, the oldest (fully remodeled) movie theater in Munich, Germany.

    Thank you Detlev, Marguerite and Mario for an unforgettable experience.

    October 2024
    Response from festival:

    And you, dear Hector! Having you as a filmmaker with your movie about peace and freedom with us was a wonderful pleasure. Your warmth and powerful engery - well, even physically, you flew in on saturday from Los Angeles. watched all the programm fom 11:00am to 11:00pm on sunday and flew back Monday morning to L.A., gave us the great sign that we filmmakers can lift up society through our works. We will stay tuned.

  • 梓涵 王

    I am honored that my film "The Evolution of Utopia" got the Sunrise Award of the Better Film Festival. It seems that the world today is no longer the idealistic era of human youth half a century ago, where people were amused to death and controlled by political forces and capital markets. However, even so, there are still many idealists who are fearless and strive to build a better world. This is the extremely valuable meaning of this film festival.

    October 2024
    Response from festival:

    Thank you so much for your courage and all the efforts to fight for a better world. Yes, movies like yours give hope and show that films have have a great possibility to change reality.