The official Bergen County Film Festival® (BCFF) celebrates the diversity of artistic expression in Bergen County communities and beyond through moving images. We give a voice and platform to filmmakers and other creatives to tell their stories.

Produced By Us But Open To All

The festival offers filmmakers, directors and writers an opportunity to screen their work, to network with other industry professionals, and the possibility of having their project streamed on the Focus Broadcasting Networks and TUBI film & television.

The BCFF 2024 winners (in the categories listed below) will receive:
- An Official Proclamation presented by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Bergen County, New Jersey
- A Congressional Certificate presented by the Bergen County 5th Congressional District of New Jersey;
- Opportunity for a featured recurring Online Broadcast on who's content can be seen on connected TV platforms such as Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire and Google Chromecast etc., as well as viewed on our truly dedicated mobile applications for iOS, Android, Amazon Blackberry, Windows and streamed on demand via our Internet site partnered with the Bergen County Film Festival Channel

OUTSTANDING FILMMAKER (overall festival winner)


1) Competition is open to United States and International entries.

2) Foreign language films must contain English subtitles for consideration.

3) Films must submit online preview screeners through FilmFreeway, any other method must receive prior approval from the festival.

4) All films must have a completion date after January 1, 2020 to be considered for competition.

5) Applicants may submit as many entries as they wish, as long as each entry has a separate entry form and fee.

6) BCFF has the right to screen any film submitted to the Bergen County Film Festival.

7) By submitting your film you declare you have full authority to submit your film to the Bergen County Film Festival, and you have cleared all rights to use the music in the entered work.

8) The Bergen County Film Festival has authority to use stills, posters, titles, or any information from the submission materials for promotional purposes.

9) If officially selected, it is the responsibility of the submitter to send the festival their film in digital downloadable format and/or in DVD or Blu-Ray format.

10) The Bergen County Film Festival is held harmless of any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, and expenses which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, or screening of any film.

11) In order for award winners to receive their prizes, the project's producer or director must be present at the screening and award ceremony.

12) All Decisions of the film festival are final

Overall Rating
  • Thanks for selecting "Bay For Blood" into your festival!

    July 2024
  • This has been such a huge experience. Thank you so much for the opportunity have our documentary Twoub Mantal in the festival. Thank you for going beyond in promoting filmmaker like myself.

    August 2020
  • Joseph Villapaz

    Many thanks for recognizing my film especially during these difficult times. Wishing you continued success in promoting the arts and inspiring others to contribute to it.

    July 2020
  • It was great to be apart of this festival I enjoyed the kick off gala screening of the films

    May 2019
  • We couldn't make it to the festival, but we were so honored that our documentary, Paradise Boogie, was a part of the lineup. Great communication with the festival organizers.

    March 2019