🎬 2025 北京 Lift-Off 电影节:联结世界的电影盛会 🎬
🌟 为区域电影人搭建通往全球舞台的桥梁 🌍
2025 北京 Lift-Off 电影节是一场享有盛誉的盛会,旨在为区域电影人提供一个独特的平台,将他们的创意呈现在国际舞台上。电影节为电影人提供了与资深西方行业专家交流的机会,获得专业反馈,同时实现广泛的媒体曝光,与国际观众和行业领袖建立深度连接。
北京 Lift-Off 不仅仅是一个放映活动,更是一场改变人生的电影旅程。电影节助力电影人提升职业生涯,获取实用的行业洞察,构建重要的人脉网络,为未来创作能够打动全球观众的作品奠定基础。
✨ 电影节亮点包括:
🎥 独家反馈:接受来自经验丰富的西方评审专家的深度指导,优化作品,让其在国内外平台更具影响力。
🌐 全球曝光:通过在线展映将您的作品展示给全球观众,扩大您的影响范围。
🤝 专业人脉:与行业顶尖人士建立联系,包括制片人、发行商及其他电影人,拓展合作机会。
🏆 大奖角逐:争夺享有盛誉的 Lift-Off 奖项,并在英国标志性电影圣地 Pinewood Studios 展映您的佳作,向世界展示您的才华。
北京 Lift-Off 电影节作为中国电影人与全球电影产业联结的桥梁,展现区域电影人丰富的创意和文化故事。电影节为电影人提供走向国际、赢得认可、促进合作的机会,同时为他们在全球舞台上留下深远的文化印记。
🎬 加入我们,一起踏上创造力与全球成就的旅程 🚀
无论您是崭露头角的新锐导演,还是经验丰富的创作者,北京 Lift-Off 都是您提升职业生涯、分享电影梦想的理想起点。
🎬 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐭-𝐎𝐟𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐦 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓: 𝐀 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐦 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 🎬
Are you ready to launch your filmmaking journey onto the global stage? The Beijing Lift-Off Film Festival is here to help Chinese filmmakers make their mark both nationally and internationally. Join us in 2025 for an unparalleled festival experience, where your work not only receives expert feedback from Western judges but also gains exposure that can be shared widely in press, both within China and abroad.
🚀 Elevate Your Film Career Your journey doesn’t end with your current project. At Beijing Lift-Off, you’ll receive industry-insider guidance, practical feedback, and invaluable networking opportunities to develop future projects that will reach audiences worldwide.
🌎 Take Your Work to the Major Film Markets With Lift-Off, you're not only showcasing your film in Beijing; you're joining an international network that opens doors to events like the Marché du Film at the Cannes Film Festival, the American Film Market, and many others. Beijing Lift-Off is designed to connect you with audiences, industry professionals, and market insiders on a global scale, making it the ideal starting point for Chinese filmmakers with ambitions beyond borders.
🌟 Highlights of Beijing Lift-Off Film Festival 2025:
Exclusive Feedback: Receive comprehensive feedback from Western judges that can elevate your work in both national and international press.
Global Exposure: Showcase your film on a worldwide platform, with in-competition online screenings accessible to an international audience.
Networking Events: Connect with key industry professionals, including producers, distributors, and filmmakers.
Season Awards Qualification: Stand a chance to be nominated for the prestigious Lift-Off Season Awards, with physical screenings at the iconic Pinewood Studios, UK.
Beijing Lift-Off is Your Gateway to the Global Film Industry. Don’t miss the chance to put your work on the radar of the world’s top filmmakers, critics, and audiences. Whether you’re an emerging filmmaker or an established artist, Beijing Lift-Off is here to champion your journey to success.
北京 Lift-Off 电影节奖项设置
🏆 北京观众选择奖
🏆 北京最佳影片奖
🏆 北京评审团特别提名奖
🏆 北京最佳剧本奖
Lift-Off 网络的竞赛与奖项结构
所有官方入选作品将在评审团的严格审查下进行评分,并在电影节期间接受现场观众的评分。电影节结束后,综合评分被计算并公布,评分最高的影片将晋级到内部的 “网络轮次”。
“网络轮次” 在 Lift-Off 网络中心举行,由 Lift-Off 评审团和网络会员评分并投票选出获胜作品。
电影节结束后,将颁发各类奖项,并将获奖项目列入季奖提名候选名单。评审团根据每个类别的表现授予 Lift-Off 季奖提名。
👉 liftoff.network/awards
Lift-Off 季奖提名作品将在 Lift-Off 总部——享誉盛名的英国 Pinewood Studios 举行的 Lift-Off 季度颁奖庆典中展映。季奖旨在表彰 Lift-Off 季度中提名的最佳项目。
更多信息请访问 👉 liftoff.network/seasonawards