Welcome to 13th Balkan Nordic Film Festival
BaNeFF - presents the latest movies from the Balkans. The public can meet both an exciting mix of newly produced, world premieres, single classics and pure documentary films, interesting guests and a series of panels that discuss trends in film production in the Balkans.

The contests compete in four categories: best movies, best female performance, the audience's prize and the special prize of the festival. We continue with the new SNOWE South North West East - SNOWE - Women in Film, Creative Networking concept. (Www.snowe.se)

All feature films are texted in English or Swedish. What is now the case for festival visitors is to keep an eye on exciting guests, film offers and events.

BaNeFF is organized by Justin Theater Production, a political and religious independent association and in collaboration with:

- respective embassies from the Balkans and neighboring areas in Sweden,

- Film Centers from the Balkans and Neighborhoods

- SFI - Svenska Filminstitutet

- Other supporting organisations are: Stockholm City, Västerås City, Norrköping City, Malmö City, Si-Svenska Institute, Cinemateket Stockholm, Kinoteka in Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo ... Foreign Ministry for Cultural Exchange, production companies.
BaNeFF policy:

1) that the films are created in the Balkans, tell from the Balkans or relate to the Balkans
2) that they do not have more spread in the Nordic countries
3) Focus on women in the film industry
4) with the cinema at the center - creative force

Why do we arrange BANEFF?
BaNeFF started 2011 as a response to quite a thin selection of films from the Region. Our original idea was to show films that are usually not visible in Sweden and the Nordic region.
Annually in Stockholm in February BaNeFF creates recurring opportunities for Swedish audience to deepen their acquaintance with new interesting films from the Balkans. Then the festival ends on a tour. We press movies film the films with guests to both Swedish audience and industry people, in the best possible way. Our goal is to popularize while opening up new opportunities in the film industry and European film by presenting professional professional filmmakers from the Balkans: directors, scriptwriters, production companies, actors, film lovers to film lovers, as well as professional professional film makers from Sweden.
During the first couple of years we created more cretan parts:
BaNeFF doc.short - The festival with documentary and short films in focus in December,
SNOWE - Women in Film - Creatvie Networking - Project and
Trans Cinema Nation - Countries / People / Movies that are in transit / change. TCN is a section of the BaNeFF main festival.
Come to us with the whole family!
What other arrangements do we perform?
In addition to the main program in Stockholm, the festival visits other cities around Sweden, depending on the opportunities and interests of the organization. BaNeFF 2023 will collaborate with cinemas in Västerås, Uppsala, Umeå, Norrköping, Växjö, Lund, Östersund and Stockholm, as well as in Norway, Oslo and Bergen. In addition, we have film studio circles, panels, round table and focus group viewers.

During the COVID pandemi we are following local health recommendations opening one platform for onlinescreening during the Festival.

Please NOTE that BaNEFF doc.short will take a place between 19-21 December in Stockhom while Feature edition will be in May 2024 also in Stockholm.

Selectied movies will continue to other cities in Nordic countries as BaNeFF 2023 on tour.
Welcome with your submition!

NORDIC ZOOM Awards for the:

1) Best film
2) Women Achievement in Film
3) Public Award
4) Special Awards

Films Submission and Regulations - Balkan Nordic Film Festival 2023
In order to be eligible for selection, the films presenters must be recently produced, completed not prior to 2022:

a) Find selection entry form the website, www.baneff.com; or ask for entry form via mail: film@baneff.com
b) Send a copy of the film to the Festival (formats allowed for feature length films: DCP, and one DVD, Blu-ray disc; formats allowed for short/documentary films: DVD or Blu-ray disc), or upload the film file to Internet streaming service, at the moment of registration.

1. The Balkan New Film Festival, organised by Justin Theatre Production and M.A.M.M.A. production in collaboration with Stockholm city, Swedish Film Institute, Swedish Institute and Film & Kino Norway, will be held on the cinema ZITA, from Febraury 17th - 20th, 2022 in Stockholm and up to 7 cities in Sweden including Oslo.Trondheim and Bergen in Norway. Up to ten cities in Nordic countries will have possibility to see BaNeFF 2023 edition. The Festival is officially recognised as a partner of several International Festivals.

2. The aim of the Festival is to raise awareness and promote the various aspects of international cinema in all its forms: as art, entertainment and as an industry, in a spirit of freedom and dialogue. In addition to the sections mentioned in the following paragraphs, the Festival also organises retrospectives and tributes to major figures as a contribution towards a better understanding of the history of cinema. BaNeFF aim is to give more space to women filmmaker internationally.

3.1 BaNeFF 2024
An international competition comprising a maximum of 12 feature films, presented as mostly Nordic premieres.

3.2 Competition
An international competition reserved to a maximum of 12 films, dedicated to films that represent the latest aesthetic and expressive trends in international cinema – with the Balkan related subjects, with special attention to debut films, young talents who are not yet firmly established, indie features, as well as works that provides women filmmaker perspective in current production, with the aim of innovating and demonstrating creative originality from different perspective.
The Competition section contains a selection of competing feature-films lasting a maximum of 120 minutes, selected on the basis of criteria such as quality and originality of narration and expression.
Only feature-length and documentary films presented as Nordic premieres at the BaNeFF will be admitted.

3.3 SNOWE - Out of Competition
Some of the most important works of the year will be presented in the non-competing section, SNOWE selection by forms of expressive or narrative originality from women filmmaker.
Some films Out of Competition may be screened in separat time slot, if their characteristics make them particularly suitable for showing at this time or in some special occasion during the year.
Only feature films presented, as Nordic premieres at the SNOWE selection - BaNeFF will be admitted.

3.4 BaNeFF retrospective
This section features a selection of the finest restorations of international classic films carried out over the past year by film libraries, cultural institutions and productions around the world that relates to Balkan, committed to the preservation and cultivation of the cinematographic heritage and the rediscovery of neglected or undervalued works of the past.
The section may be completed with the presentation of documentaries about cinema or individual authors of past or today that can offer innovative elements of historical and/or critical assessment. BaNeFF retrospective will be arranged together with Cinematecs in Nordic lands and Balkan.

4. BaNeFF FILM MARKET and distribution
The BaNeFF Film Market and distribution will be organised during the Festival: it will place certain screening rooms at the disposal of producers, buyers and international/Nordic sales companies, for the sale and purchase of films including those not officially invited to the Festival. Participation in the BaNeFF Film Market and distribution is subject to specific regulations. For information about BaNeFF film market call +468221190, or write to film@baneff.com

BaNeFF 2023 Jury will operate according to its own regulations. The Director of the Festival may attend the meetings to advise on matters of regulations or procedures, when required.

5.1 BaNeFF 2023
An International Jury, composed of 5 personalities from the world of cinema and culture from Nordic and various countries, excluding any person involved in any capacity in the production of the invited films or who may have an interest in their distribution, will award the following prizes for the feature films:
- Nordic ZOOM for best film
- Nordic ZOOM for best women achievement
- Nordic ZOOM- Public prize
- Nordic ZOOM- Special Jury Prize
- *Special Nordic ZOOM- for innovative contribution

There will be no joint winners.
Furthermore, individual films may receive no more than one of the awards mentioned in the Regulations. However, in exceptional cases, and after consultation with the Festival Director, the Jury may confer and recognize more *Special Jury Prize for Innovative contribution - as Award for Best Screenplay, or Award for Best Documentary Film, or Debut Film.

5.2 BaNeFF Retrospective
A jury composed of students in their last year of film studies, headed by a personality of cinema and culture, will award the following prizes:
- NORDIC ZOOM - Award for Best Archive Film;

5.3 The Director of the Festival will recommend the nomination to award one Nordic ZOOM for Lifetime Achievement to the Board of Directors and BaNeFF selection partners.

5.4 The producers and distributors of the films presented pledge to display a notice with the announcement of the award received and the BaNeFF logo when any of these films are released in theatres.


7.1 Conditions for the submission of a film
Feature-length and short/documentary films will be admitted in the following screening formats:
· Digital Cinema Package – DCP.
All films submitted must be recently produced, completed not prior to 2014, and must not have been presented earlier in any other format or length, not even as a work-in-progress, for any selection in previous editions in some Nordic Film Festivals. Under no circumstances may films to be presented at the BaNeFF have had prior public screenings in Nordic lands. Works previously presented in competing or non-competing sections at other international festivals are also excluded, as are those already available on the web. Possible exceptions to these conditions may be decided at his discretion by the Festival Director.

7.2 Selection procedure
Regarding the selection of the films submitted, the Festival Director will be assisted by her/his staff of local experts, as well as by a group of correspondents and international consultants, each responsible for different geographical areas - Board of BaNeFF selection partners. The BaNeFF organisation team will put each decision on intern discussion.

7.3 Registration fees.
For each film submitted to the selection of the Festival, registration fees regulates FilmFreeway.

7.4 Materials to submit for the selection
In order to be eligible for selection, the films presenters must, no later than tree months before BaNeFF premiere.

a) Fill out the selection entry form
on the website or by mail – film@baneff.com
b) Send a copy of the film to the Festival (formats allowed for feature length films: DCP, DVD, Blu-ray disc; formats allowed for short films: DVD or Blu-ray disc), or upload the film file to streaming service, through the link that will be indicated at the moment of registration.

Any other information regarding the film submitted for selection must be sent exclusively in electronic format to the following address: film@baneff.com
The Festival is under no obligation to return the films submitted for selection, unless they arrive with prepaid return packaging via express carrier (courier or diplomatic bag). Any returns must be requested in advance.
All materials and films for which no return has been requested will be transferred to the BaNeFF Archives for exclusive purposes of documentation and research. They will not be used for commercial purposes, in order to protect the interests of the filmmakers and the producers.

8.1 Entry Form
Invited films will receive an Entry form to be duly completed and returned no later than two months before BaNeFF premiere in Stockholm. Receipt of the form by the Festival implies the legal acceptance of the invitation by all concerned and will be considered definitive and irrevocable. Breaking of this acceptance of invitation one month before Festival premiere in Stockholm will coasts questioned Film producer/applier who submitting the Film - 2000 euro.

8.2 Programme
The invitation of a film to participate must remain confidential until the announcement of the programme by the Balkan New Film Festival. Failure to comply will result in its exclusion from the selection. The general scheduling and screening times are the sole responsibility of the Management of the Festival.

8.3 Film copies
The presenters of invited films must send the following by, and no later than, one month before BaNeFF premiere in Stockholm:
- 1 copies of the original version with English subtitles for the official gala and press preview screenings; DCP
- 1 copy of the original version, preferably with subtitles in English, as a reserve copy (if so wished by those presenting the film); Back Up Blue RAY
- 1 DVD of the original version with English subtitles for the exclusive internal use by the Festival services;
- (in special cases) A list of subtitles. - All subtitling costs are to be paid by those submitting the film.
The Festival reserves the right to refuse any copy which, on advice of the Festival technicians, is considered to be of inadequate quality for public screening.

8.4 Specifications for the Digital Cinema copy of the film.
Specifications concerning the systems used by the BaNeFF for digital cinema are available on the official website.

8.5 Catalogue
All the material required for the Festival catalogue (synopses, cast and credits, biography and a complete filmography of the director, photographs of the director, of actors and scenes from the film in b/w and colour, plus a brief director’s comment on the film) must reach the Festival as soon as possible, but no later than two month before BaNeFF premiere in Stockholm, and must be marked as “Material for Catalogue”.

8.6 Press Material
The presenters of films participating in the Festival must send the promotional material for distribution to the press and potential buyers (press book, digital images of the film and the director, video material, audio clips, etc.) under separate cover, at their own expense, no later than two months before BaNeFF premiere in Stockholm, in the quantities that will be requested after the invitation.
The publicity and promotional material must state “Film Selected for the Balakn New Film Festival”.

8.7 Official Logo
All forms of promotional activity after the presentation of the programme by the BaNeFF must mention, with the explicit commitment of those submitting the films, their participation in the BaNeFF, including the relevant section and the official logo of the BaNeFF, as supplied by the Balkan New Film Festival. Films awarded a prize must also state which award was won, in accordance with the official graphic designs predetermined and supplied by the BaNeFF.

9.1 Shipping Costs
All shipping costs to and from the BaNeFF will be at the expense of the participants.

9.2 Addresses
In case of 35mm films and DCPs, the presenters should contact the Cinema Department beforehand for instructions regarding shipment (info@baneff.com).

Copies of films in DVD, Blu-ray disc and Betacam formats, together with all the materials sent for selection, must be sent by courier or post directly to the address of the Balkan New Film Festival:
M.A.M.M.A. production
Odenganatn 15
11424 Stockholm, Sweden

Tel. +468221190
Mob. +46 703321201

9.3 Shipping of Promotional Material
All costs relative to the shipment of publicity, promotional and photographic material for the films from the place of origin to the BaNeFF will be at the expense of the participants, including all customs charges for material sent from outside the European Union. Publicity and promotional material sent to the Festival will not be returned.

9.4 Shipping Insurance
All insurance costs covering the transport of films and press material to and from the BaNeFF will be at the expense of those presenting the films.

9.5 Insurance at the BaNeFF
The BaNeFF provides “fully-comprehensive risk” insurance coverage for the entire period during which the copies are in the care of the BaNeFF. The insurance value of a film may not exceed the average laboratory costs for a standard copy. Furthermore, all necessary measures will be taken by the Festival to protect the author’s copyright for works entrusted to the Festival, in accordance with the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF) - dispositions regarding safeguarding against piracy, Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) at WIPO and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

10.1 Donation to the Archives
Directors and producers of films presented at the BaNeFF are warmly invited to donate a copy of their work, to be added to the BaNeFF Archives, destined solely for the purposes of research and documentation, and excluding all commercial use in order to protect the interests of the filmmakers and the producers.

10.2 Conservation of works
Copies will be preserved at the BaNeFF Archive for the sole purpose of documentation and research, excluding any commercial use, in order to protect the interests of the filmmakers and the producers.

Participation in the Balkan New Film Festival automatically entails observance of the present regulations. Producers, distributors or other parties who submit films to the Festival must guarantee they are legally authorised to do so.
The Director of the BaNeFF reserves the right to adjudicate any cases not covered by the regulations herein, and can make exceptions to the regulations in justified, well-motivated cases. Should any dispute arise regarding the interpretation of any article contained in these regulations, the original version is to be considered binding.

BaNeFF in collaboration with SNOWE (snowe.se) and FIFFP (fiffp.com).

Jelena Mila
Director of Balkan New Film Festival

April 29th, 2024, Stockholm

Overall Rating
  • For my team, cast and I we are very happy about being selected with"Pink City Film". and we enjoed being part of your festival. Thank you very much!

    January 2025
  • Mihajlo Vitezović

    Honored to have been a part of this year's edition and to have our film „OFLAG XIII-B” in the offical selection. Great communicaton, fantastic hosts. Thanks for everything, looking forward to the next year's festival!

    December 2024
  • We were glad and honored to have the film enlisted in the official selection. The festival has a tradition to bridge the Western Balkans and the Nordic cultures and that is achieved through the plethora of movies in the selection. The festival has a dedicated website with updated information, complemented with email communication, delivery of laurels, all of which, can be used as reference from our side. Gratitude and wishing many great years to come, for BANEFF.short.
    Cheers from Macedonia, Noela and Renata

    December 2024
  • Nevelin Vulchev

    An amazing film festival that gives filmmakers from the Balkan countries a chance to show their films in Sweden. Thank you for the selection and for the award for the best short film to our film "Good Night Lily".
    It was a privilege for us to be a part of the 12th edition of the festival!
    Good luck with everything!

    January 2024
  • We enjoyed a lot this festival and we are happy to be part of it with our film. Thank organisers for inviting us and presenting us in the best way to local audience.

    December 2023