The Azorean International Film Festival will take place on December 20th and 21st of 2024 at Teatro Micaelense, in São Miguel, Azores, Portugal.

This festival integrates an international competition, a networking event, talks, parties, all in a paradisiac setting in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

The award is a printed poster of the festival, in which the name of the film and the director are highlighted, specially designed by our graphic artist, Pedro Evangelho. They will be sent by mail on January 2025.

The jury is the audience, who will vote for their favourite film in the end of each program. There will be one awarded film per session, a total of three awards.

For our first edition, we accept:
- Short films only
- Up to 20 minutes
- All genres (fiction, animation, documentary, experimental, music videos)
- Films that were produced after January 1st 2022

We have three International competition programs:
- All genres
- Music films & music videos
- Family friendly films

To successfully submit your film you must upload your file directly to film freeway or Youtube/Vimeo link. Make sure that the password is the link and password are active until November 8th 2024, otherwise we can not ensure your film will be considered.
For submission purposes, the films must be subtitled in portuguese or english whenever the language is not portuguese nor english.

The official selection will be announced up to one month before the festival starts.
After accepting the selection, the film can’t be removed from the program.
The films selected for the Family friendly competition program must have a copy that is subtitled in portuguese whenever its language is not portuguese.
After the films are selected, the following documents should be sent to link to download the film, promo images and posters, main credits list, exhibition authorisation, director bio (up to 400 characters with spaces), synopsis (up to 400 characters with spaces).

By submitting, you agree to these terms and rules. The festival team is responsible for any decisions regarding situations that are not described in the above rules and terms.

Overall Rating
  • Merícia Lucas

    Sentimo-nos muito honrados por fazer parte deste festival e da sua fantástica seleção! Obrigado a toda a equipa pela sua atenção e profissionalismo! Um abraço da Ilha da Madeira!!

    January 2025
  • Sara Massa

    Foi um prazer participar na primeira edição deste Festival, que sejam muitos mais...Equipa excelente e programação muito variada com direito a Cinematografia Açoreana tirada do báu.

    December 2024
  • B. Suresh Kumar

    Azorean International Film Festival is a wonderful Platform to showcase our films. Happy to share that my film ARITHAARAM ( Facial Makeover) was an Official Selection. A Very Professional Festival Management with a great Team of Jury. Looking forward to Next Edition.

    December 2024