AURORA Film Festival 2025 is opening her call for independent movies from Italy and the world!. Aurora FF is a micro but well curated festival that wants to showcase independent, original cinema and introducing it to new, non-technical public in the Italian Park of Matese.
Since 2020 we are welcoming movies that have a narrative base, (we are afraid there is no documentary section) or a poetic content.
So, send us YOUR FICTION MOVIE, music videoclip, animation or Mock-umentary with ENGLISH EDITABLE SUBTITLES (we will screen selected movies with italian translation offered by the Festival as a complimentary service) ^^!
Aurora for us mean new beginning, starting from scratch, going forward and leaving the known for the unknown. That is how we see filmmaking as a form of art, regardless of budget, and sometime also of what is commonly called "quality standards". We seek magic.
We are inviting creators of underground, under-known, rough movies, low Budget, analog format, short, long community project, poetic ventures, music trips... they must tell us about an imaginative story, a fantastic scenario, a fresh and unseen way to see the world.
PLEASE be aware, our Festival is no budget venture and we do not offer money prices but we enlight some titles at the end of the Event offering them extra exposure during the following year.
THE LOCATION: San Potito Sannitico has a long lasting love for the moving image, hosting creators in many occasions, being itself the stage for short and long independent movies. Ex Cinema ARENA AURORA is an open air local cinema set up in the late '50 by Mr. Antonio Iannito, closed permanently in '76 a re-opend occasionally for special event like AURORA FF.
We will watch every submission. Films will carefully be selected upon our expectation, but we are sure all entries will be seriously good.
There will be NO AWARDS during the Aurora Film Festival, but there might be some SPECIAL MENTIONS , upon organisers' decision and audience response. The Festival cannot offer accommodation but will provide infos about places for those who wants to attend.