International Festival Of Short Animated Films - Anishort
is an international competition that serves to support the animated short films and their creators. At the same time it serves to the promotion, propagation, retrieval and watching possibilities of the best animated short films from around the world.
It should also be a place where community of creative people that producing these films meet. On the other hand, then the place for people who enjoy watching of these films and that are fans of this kind of art.
The festival will take place from 16th October 2024 in several selected cities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia and Poland.
The top 18 short animated films will compete in this competition.
The films will be judged by selected international jury. The jury is composed mostly of professionals or professions closely associated with animation - total 7 judges, each from a different country.
The main competition category:
• The Best Animated Short Film
- this prize is awarded by an international jury
- the top 2 films receive this award, so total 2 prizes:
1st place - € 1000 + festival trophy
2nd place - € 500 + festival trophy
Secondary competition categories:
• Audience Award for The Best Film
- only 1 film receive this award
- it will be determined on the basis of audience ratings, i.e. film with the highest score wins
- the winner of this category gains a festival trophy
• Special Award of Anishort
- this prize is awarded by Art Commission, members of the team Anishort
- this price may not be awarded in each year of the festival
- the winner of this category gains a festival trophy