A rogue, pop up documentary film fest sparking dialogue & reflecting multicultural perspectives through free community experiences. California tour: Sept 12 - Oct 11

Ambulante California emerges as part of Ambulante Global. Ambulante’s model originated in 2005 from the Mexican non-profit founded by actors and filmmakers Gael Garcia Bernal, Diego Luna, Pablo Cruz and Elena Fortes.

1. In order for a film to be considered to screen in Ambulante California, the applicant must submit via FilmFreeway and include links or copies of their work.

2. DVD or Blu-Ray submissions are not returned to the sender. We like to have a record of the films submitted to us in our archive.

3. Short films submitted should run for less than 20 minutes, while Feature length films have no time limit.

4. Ambulante California is a non-competitive film festival and has no premiere requirements; Projects may originate from anywhere in the world; Projects may have distribution.

5. Applicants submitting films that contain significant non-English spoken dialogue must provide on-screen English subtitles.

6. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to ensure that any submitted disc or online screener plays in its entirety prior to submitting their work to the organization. In the event that that a submitted film does not play correctly, Ambulante California will attempt, but is under no obligation, to contact the applicant using the information provided on the submission form in an effort to obtain a replacement copy of the film. Ambulante California reserves the right to disqualify submission films that aren’t playable online or on an industry-standard DVD or Blu-Ray player.

7. All films screened at Ambulante Californiathroughout the year are also automatically considered for the festival in the fall, and vice-versa.

8. Ambulante California is under no obligation to provide the applicant any comments or feedback regarding the submitted film as well as any explanations on any programming decisions.

9. Please know that our programming committee mostly curates our feature film program, but we invite filmmakers to submit blind submissions, if desired.

10. All films are screened on Blu-Ray format. All shipping costs are the sole responsibility of the sender unless otherwise stated.