A Festival of Animation Arts in Delhi to attract, encourage and give recognition to creative talent in the field of Animation, provide a platform for exposure to varying perspectives and to bring together various stakeholders to strengthen the animation eco-system in India. The Awards event, scheduled for 13 December, 2014 at Delhi, also has a number of on-the-spot competitions; stalls to satiate the animators' thirst, and lots of activities, dance, music, frolic and fun.
1st, 2nd and 3rd position with a takeaway, certificate, memento and a Gift; 4th and 5th position get a consolation prize of certificate and memento each; and 6th, 7th and 8th position win a certificate each. A number of other prizes for the on-the-spot competitions.
Animation Films category will carry total eight prizes – First, Second and Third and Five consolation prizes.
Winners will be announced and prizes will be distributed at the Awards Function AGAFA Nite on Second Saturday of December - 13 December 2014, at Dilli Haat, Pitampura, New Delhi. However, winners will be informed in advance, in order to reach the awards venue in time for receiving the awards.
The competition will be judged by an independent panel of jury members comprising eminent personalities in the fields of graphic arts, animation and telecast. Decision of the Jury will be final, and no representation against their decision will be entertained.
Marks will be allotted on a scale of 1 to 10 for originality of thought, creative visuals, and quality of visuals, first time submission and impact of the film.
Marks awarded by individual jury members will be added up and highest marks obtained will be considered for award. The decision of the Jury will be final.
Submit your entries along with Submission Form. Submission form can be downloaded from estival website - http://agafa.in.
The competition is open to all individuals and groups of individuals - students, professionals as well as production houses / studios in India.
Please DO NOT use or depict celebrities or political entities, or any material detrimental to national interests, in any manner whatsoever. Depicting any such entity or material in any manner will lead to disqualification.
SUBJECT: Animation being all-pervasive in many user industries and groups, the Society has been encouraging “Animation with a purpose”. We also expect to take a huge step for taking cartoons beyond kids. Entrants are expected to submit FRESH films that are in line with this objective, and aimed at mature audiences.
MEDIUM: Entrants are free to use any software for making the films. The films can be either 2D or 3D or a mix of both, and any form of animation may be submitted – STOP MOTION, VFX with Live Action, Motion Graphics, etc. But the entry should be predominantly (at least 75%) animation. Overuse of live action, i.e. more than 25%, even if converted to sequence of bitmaps, will not be considered as animation.
LENGTH: Films for the competition must be at least 60 seconds long and not more than 5 minutes in entirety including all titles and credits.
SPECS: Animation film entries will be submitted in DVD Video format, compatible to run on any standard DVD player. However, the resolution of the film must be kept clear at least at STUDIO or TELECAST quality. Higher visual quality will attract better marks.
ONE FILM PER ENTRANT: ONLY ONE entry will be submitted by each contestant, whether entering as a group or individually. However, an entrant submitting an entry individually can also be a team member of ONLY ONE other group, for submission of entries.
STUDENT FILMMAKERS – Submission of films by students will not be a separate category. However, five percentage points will be added to the overall total of the Jury, for deciding final positions. Please indicate the ages of film's writer, director, and producer in your submission. Student entries should invariably be certified by and submitted through the respective institution of learning, clearly indicating that the submission is from a bonafide and current student of the institution. FILM MAKERS UNDER 18 YEARS OLD - please have a parent or legal guardian submit film and form on your behalf.
SUBMISSION: Each entry film will be uploaded here or sent to the Society’s registered office along with the form
The DVD containing the entry film along with the above details will be sent by post or courier to the Society’s registered office – 1st Floor, M-18, Lajpat Nagar – 2, New Delhi – 110024 (Phone: +91-11-29841856), so as to reach no later than November 10, 2014. Contestants are advised to finalize their animations and post / courier them fairly well in advance of the closing date. Society will not take any responsibility whatsoever for late submission of entries.
DO NOT PUT STICKER LABELS ON DISCS, as they peel off and get caught in the players. The film’s title and name of the entrant ONLY should be written with permanent marker pen on the disc.
LANGUAGE: All films must be either in Hindi or in English. Any other language used for the competition must have sub-titles at least in one of these languages.
POST-SUBMISSION ACCEPTANCE: In order for your title to be included in the Award Ceremony Film Festival, you must agree to provide the following materials to SAID within 14 days of acceptance:
At least one screenshot of the title, and box art if available. Image must be in jpg format, 300 dpi.
If available, a trailer of the film in digital format.
Exhibition format(s) of your project, delivered no later than 14 days after acceptance (DVD-VIDEO preferred).
Copies of press releases and additional press materials.
If you would appear at the festival, please let us know in an email once your title is accepted.
Participants agree that their film or clips from it and all other material related to their project may be used and/or published in the event program, SAID website / Video Channels and for any promotional purposes, which SAID deems appropriate.
SAID holds no responsibility for lost or damaged files or discs. While the utmost care will be taken with regard to files and discs, it is solely up to the filmmaker to take full responsibility. The cost of delivery and pickup of all materials is the responsibility of the film maker.
If selected, all commercial/private property including all trademark/copyrighted materials shown or recorded on the project is the responsibility of the film maker. SAID will NOT take responsibility for any infringement of copyrighted materials.