The festival offers a contemporary and liberal platform for the filmmakers of the World to exhibit the excellence of the film art form. The aim is mainly to contribute to the understanding and appreciation of cultures of different nations. We hope to present complex human situations of this rapidly changing world in the globalized era. The Festival Committee reserves the right to exclude films which are not in conformity with aims of the Festival, or which could offend the national feelings and susceptibilities of any participating country, or are likely to promote racial discrimination. Films not presenting sufficient technical qualities for good public screening can be refused after checking of the prints by the Print Checking Unit of the Film Festival Office. Date and Place: OCTOBER/NOVEMBER ANNUALLY IN ABUJA

1. Entries will be subject to preview by a selection committee constituted by the Organising Committee of AIFF. A film which is not accepted for the Competition section may be shown in the Global Cinema section with the consent of the entrant.

2. The Jury for the World Cinema Competition will be composed of minimum five members [including the chairman] of which a majority will be from outside NIGERIA.

3. The Jury for the AIFF Competition will be composed of minimum three members [including the chairman] of which at least one member will be non Nigerian..

4. The decisions of the jury will be taken by a simple majority of the members present and voting. The jury can evolve its own rules for assessment of the entries. The Director of the Festival and the Secretary of the Jury can attend the deliberations of the jury but shall neither participate nor vote.

5. No person in any way connected with the production or commercial exploitation of a competitive entry will be a member of the jury. All Members of the jury will refrain from releasing any articles or reviews to the press concerning the films submitted for their judgment until after the jury’s decisions have been formally published. The following prizes will be given away:

6. The AWARDS shall be in form of PLAQUES, CERTIFICATES OR Trophies
Audience Special Jury Award [non cash] : The audience will decide the winner in this category

Overall Rating

    AIFF the hope of African cinema , interactive and has a high value for quality appreciates hard work and talent with honesty. Meeting up new people and treat strangers like their own.

    December 2024
  • Comfort Booth

    Thank you to the platform for giving the short film a voice

    November 2024

    We are really proud to have parteciped winning an award at this Film Festival with our project "LUCY - A pioneer destiny"!!!

    November 2024
  • Great experience! The first in Africa for Parajanov. Thank you for this and for your great organization! It was a joy and an honor to have my film selected in your country.

    November 2024
  • It is a great honour to have been a part of this festival and have our movie up as an Award Nominee.
    It was awesome.

    November 2023