Screenwriter. Author. Creative Executive at InArtists. Bad at Golf. Giants. Orioles. Intentionally funny, unintentionally fat. MY DEBUT NOVEL IS OUT MAY 23!
It seems my calling has always been making jokes. Making people laugh is the greatest joy I get out of life. I think I've always been a creative writer so combining the two seemed like a pretty obvious dream.
I can guarantee that I will try to make you laugh. I can't guarantee it will happen. I can also guarantee I will offend someone, somewhere because of something I said. That's okay, it doesn't come from a place of malice, it comes from a place of joy in trying to find more creative ways to make you and myself laugh.
I hope you enjoy my writing. I have nothing more to say about myself!
Screenwriter. Author. Creative Executive at InArtists. Bad at Golf. Giants. Orioles. Intentionally funny, unintentionally fat. MY DEBUT NOVEL IS OUT MAY 23!