RareAF2 is a blockchain community-organized event focused on rare things and experiences, taking place on May 18, 2019, at the Bushwick Generator in NYC.

The festival will include an art show that intends to be a quality survey of the state of rare art on the blockchain since inception through today.

Individual artists, as well as social and token platforms, are welcome to submit rare art.
Submissions will be selected by the following curators:

Jason Bailey - Artnome
Georg Bak - Art4Technologies
Anne Bracegirdle - Christie's
Joe Looney - Rare Pepes
Elena Zavelev - New Art Academy

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Submissions can be digital or physical BUT ALL ART MUST BE BLOCKCHAIN DRIVEN -- either tokenized or attached to a smart contract.
Artworks should be ready to be purchasable with either cryptocurrency or fiat money through the blockchain.
Rare art social or token platforms can submit themselves for consideration and curate their own entries.
Individual artists that are attached to rare art platforms are welcome to submit work independently. Please submit up to 3 individual artworks.

If you are submitting a non-animated artwork, please choose "photography" when you upload your photo of the artwork.

If you are submitting an animated artwork, please choose film/video.

If you are a platform just include a link to the site.

This platform does not support gifs so you can either create a video of your artwork or submit a link to where the artwork can be seen.