MARXE festival internacional de videopoesía — 2022

Marxe é un festival de videopoesía que promove a creación poética e a construción de redes entre videopoetas arredor do mundo.
A nosa primeira edición celebrouse durante novembro de 2021 na cidade de Vigo, e na edición deste ano ampliamos as nosas fronteiras e estaremos tamén en Famalicão, Portugal, dentro da programación do festival BINNAR.

MARXE international video-poetry festival — 2022

Marxe is a video poetry festival that promotes poetic creation and networking among video poets worldwide.
The first edition was held in November 2021 in the city of Vigo. However, this year's edition will stretch its borders and will also be held in Famalicão, Portugal, within the BINNAR festival program.

500 € Premio Marxe (Votación popular durante o festival)

500 € Premio Límites (Premio da organización. Haberá un xurado composto por integrantes do Colectivo Límites)

€500 Marxe Prize (Decided by a Spectator vote and based on a pre-selection of video poems chosen by the organization).

€500 Limites Prize (The Organization Prize. Decided by a jury made up of members of Colectivo Limites).

Os videopoemas que opten ao concurso rexeranse polas seguintes bases:

•Vídeos creados a partir de xaneiro de 2021.

• As creacións han de ser orixinais e non premiadas con anterioridade. A súa extensión será inferior a 5 minutos.

• O tratamento estético e visual será totalmente libre.

• O videopoema deberase presentar nun formato compatible coa proxección (MPG, MPEG, MP4, MKV preferiblemente).

• O videopoema debe indicar o título do poema e o nome autor/a no que se inspirou e especificar a persoa ou persoas a cargo da dirección, produción, banda sonora, guión, etc. nos seus créditos.

• O videopoema ha de ter unhas condicións óptimas de son e vídeo que permitan a súa adecuada proxección.

• Os videopoemas desenvolverán un poema propio ou alleo. A videopoesía noutras linguas de España e do mundo é benvida, aínda que será imprescindible que apareza traducida á lingua galega en forma de subtítulos.

• Os videopoemas serán remitidos en formato dixital, a través da plataforma FilmFreeway

• As inscricións requiren anexar o arquivo do poema en formato word ou pdf. e, no seu caso, o arquivo co poema orixinal e a tradución ao galego.

• As autoras e autores deben posuír os dereitos das imaxes e músicas presentadas no festival.

• Non serán permitidos vídeos con contidos comercias.

• A propiedade intelectual dos materiais audiovisuais pertencen ás/aos autoras/es, e autorizan á organización de MARXE a proxectar os vídeos no festival e nos seus circuítos de divulgación.

• As inscricións non son reembolsables.

The video poems that are eligible for the contest will be judged under the following rules:

No videos created before January 2021 will be eligible.

• The works must be original and not have been awarded previously. Maximum length allowed is 5 minutes.

• All aesthetic and visual criteria are completely open.

• The video poem must be presented in a compatible projection format, (preferably MPG, MPEG, MP4, MKV).

• The video poem must include the title of the poem and the name of the author who it was inspired by and include the person/s responsible for direction, production, soundtrack, script, etc. in the credits.

• The video poem should have optimal sound and video quality for appropriate projection.

• The videopoems can be either based on the author’s own poetry or an external source. Video poetry in any of the other languages ​​of Spain and from any other part of the world are welcomed, but will have to contain Galician subtitles.

• The videopoems must be submitted in digital format, through the FilmFreeway platform.

• Registration requires the poem file to be attached in a Word or pdf format and, where applicable, a file provided with the original poem and the Galician translation.

• The filmmaker must own the rights to the images and the music submitted to the festival.

• The intellectual property of the audiovisual media must correspond to the filmmaker who, by submitting to the festival, gives the MARXE organization permission to project the video at the festival and in the corresponding dissemination circuits.

• Videos with commercial content will not be allowed.

• Entry fees are non-refundable

Overall Rating
  • Liam Colomer

    Una idea brillante. Hay que visibilizar el Video Poetry!! Muchas grácias MARXE por existir y por defender el gallego! <3

    November 2022