Public Listing
Your event is listed publicly in the FilmFreeway festival directory. Anyone can see and search for your event on FilmFreeway.
Public Listings require review by FilmFreeway prior to publishing according to our publishing requirements.
Non-Public Listing
Only people with your event URL can see your event on FilmFreeway. Your event will not appear in FilmFreeway’s search or public directory.
With a Non-Public Listing, you can still fully utilize FilmFreeway to accept submissions, sell tickets and manage your event. You can share your event URL with anyone and link to your event from your website, social media, or elsewhere to direct people to submit to your event via FilmFreeway.
A Non-Public Listing is ideal for online-only festivals, events with extremely targeted eligibility requirements, events that wish to keep their call for entries private, or tiny, location-specific events, such as high-school film festivals whose entrants must be students of a particular high school to submit.