Filament is an online film competition that sparks creativity among filmmakers from any medium, genre, and experience level through month-long short prompts.

From Tungsten Originals, Filament is a month-long competition that challenges filmmakers to create screenplays, films, and more. As passionate believers in the next generation of filmmakers, we’d like to foster a community that celebrates all storytellers. From students to professionals, documentaries to music videos, or even live-action to animation, we want to spark your creative element. Compete for prizes that’ll help you make your next big project. Up for the challenge? Enter today!

Our prompt is: New Frontiers!

When we think of exploring new frontiers, we imagine monumental human achievements: diving to the depths of the sea, climbing Mount Everest, or even landing on the moon. However, a new frontier can be anything: trying a new food, moving to a new place, making a new friend, or exploring a new identity. Going through any change, big or small, teaches us about each other, the world, but most importantly, ourselves. When we venture into the unknown we never know what we’ll find on the other side. Whatever possibilities lay ahead, we must explore what a new chapter can hold.

First Place:
$100 LensProToGo or B&H Gift Card
Storyclock Workbook from
Tungsten hat & stickers

Storyclock Workbook from
Tungsten/Filament Sticker Pack

Honorable Mention:
Tungsten/Filament Sticker Pack

- Up to 60 seconds long
- Use whatever equipment you have access to
- Any kind of visual content
- All formats/aspect ratios accepted
- No copyrighted music
- Open worldwide