-Do Not Submit To This Festival if you are not interested in being immediately considered for Distribution.
-By Submitting to this Film Festival you are entering into a contract and agree to have your Project reviewed by various Streaming Platforms and Aggregators for non-Exclusive Placement with Revenue Share.
We have now become your Registered Agent working on your behalf to negotiate the best deal/s on your behalf. Do Not Enter This Film Festival if you are not ready or you have an Exclusive Agent or Distributor.
For any offer extended, you will always have the right to decline.
In general, we, as your Agent seek non-exclusive deals with multiple Streaming Platforms. In the Event that an Exclusive offer is substantially high, we will present that option to you for acceptance or rejection.
For this reason also, you Trailer must be Downloadable and your Movie Poster must look Professional. We forward the Trailer first and then the Platforms/Aggregators decide if they want to review the entire project. Unless we can Download your Trailer, your Project will Not be reviewed, however, you will still be considered for the Film Festival.
Once interest has been expressed in your Project/s, you will receive a Contract to sign. Review carefully, Sign and Return. Nothing can move forward until you have signed and returned the Contract.
If your project is selected for Distribution, your Movie or Documentary will be aired on that Platform/Network and you will receive a Payout Quarterly based on that Networks Fiscal year. Each Network' offers a different rate and Schedule. You always retain all legal rights to your project and separately to the Musical Score.
-If selected for any Streaming Platform or Exclusive License Agreement, you also agree to add our logo to your Movie Poster and Project File prior to Streaming.
-All projects must be in English or have accurate English subtitles.
-*All Projects must be in the correct format (1080p). The other requirements for Streaming will be Emailed to you.
-We Do Not stream from other Platforms such as Youtube or Vimeo at the Film Festival either. Do not upload by a Link, doing so means that we can not Download the Trailer or the Movie File. Should such happen, we will make a Request one time (1). If not Downloadable by the date requested, you will not be considered for Distribution or for the Film Festival.
-Do Not Email Files.
-*Make sure that you upload a Professional "Vertically Styled" Movie Poster with a Title and No Credits (for Distribution Consideration. Platforms only want the Visuals and Title). When interest has been expressed, you will receive a list of Streaming Requirements.
-Make sure to fill out All of the required information on the Submission page. This is a Requirement. Do not use a school Email address. Make to include your phone number and do not worry we will never share any of your contact information.
-For The Film Festival Only: If there are less than 3 Submissions for a Category a winner may not be chosen for the Film Festival, but those projects will still be screened.
*You must include at least one Social Media Account - Instagram and Facebook preferred on your Submission page.
-All requirements must be met by the Deadlines. Unfortunately, we can longer accept late requested requirements that have been Submitted late.
-If you receive a Laurel, add it to your Movie Poster and upload it on your Submission Page.
-No project may include any Hate, Discrimination, Derogatory or Inappropriate Offensive content.
-Refunds Are Not Issued.
-Projects are Reviewed separately by the Networks and by the Festival reviewers.
-Do not send any files by Email.
-Check your junk mail and promotion tab for emails sent via Film Freeway.
-Schedule of Screenings will be made available and the Schedule is subject to change.
-No changes or additions may be made after the deadline unless requested by us.
-To Repeat: If your project is selected for Streaming/License you will receive a Contract to Sign to air and receive Revenue Share. If your Content is airing with one of our Partners and you receive an Exclusive Contract from another party, you must notify us in writing by email and your project will be removed from the schedule within 30 business days. You will still receive any monies owed to you based on the Quarterly Payout schedule.
-All communication and payouts with any of our partners for the TV Apps/Distributors will be made through us. All Communication will be take place through this Festival.
- This is an ongoing Film Festival where Submissions will be selected to air on a Streaming Platform on an ongoing basis. The In-Person Film Festival scheduled for December, as date to be announced (TBA).
-You may submit as many projects as you wish.
--Feel free to Email us for more details.