Construir Cine is the only International Labor Film Festival in Argentina. Its next edition will take place in Buenos Aires in May 2024, in a hybrid mode (face-to-face and online).
Construir Cine celebrates national and international cinema aiming to recognize and support filmmakers and to improve knowledge, accessibility, and understanding of socio-labor issues among a wide and diverse public.

Construir Cine is an event organized by UOCRA Foundation for the Education of Construction Workers’ TV channel, —hereinafter, the Organizer, with support from the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA) and its on-demand platform CINE.AR, and sponsored by UOCRA CULTURA and Construyendo Arte. This festival is part of the Global Labor Film Festival, an organization that brings together labor film festivals from around the world, and belongs to “RAFMA”: Argentine Network of Audiovisual Festivals and Exhibitions.

“CONSTRUIR CINE” is a groundbreaking proposal aimed at offering quality entertainment with social consciousness. A sensitive and insightful view of the world of work and labor.

The prizes and incentives will be announced by the organizer in due course


Construir Cine is the only International Labor Film Festival in Argentina. Its next edition will take place in Buenos Aires in May 2024, in a hybrid mode (face-to-face and online).
Construir Cine celebrates national and international cinema aiming to recognize and support filmmakers and to improve knowledge, accessibility, and understanding of socio-labor issues among a wide and diverse public.

Construir Cine is an event organized by UOCRA Foundation for the Education of Construction Workers’ TV channel, —hereinafter, the Organizer, with support from the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA) and its on-demand platform CINE.AR, and sponsored by UOCRA CULTURA and Construyendo Arte. This festival is part of the Global Labor Film Festival, an organization that brings together labor film festivals from around the world, and belongs to “RAFMA”: Argentine Network of Audiovisual Festivals and Exhibitions.

“CONSTRUIR CINE” is a groundbreaking proposal aimed at offering quality entertainment with social consciousness. A sensitive and insightful view of the world of work and labor.
Section I. Objective, Categories, and Thematic Focus
UOCRA FOUNDATION organizes the eleven Edition of “Construir Cine: International Labor Film Festival,” that seeks to foster creativity and support the dissemination of audiovisual works that contain stories about work and workers, privileging their point of view on the world and social issues affecting their daily work, the life of their families and the reality of the community to which they belong.

Within the framework of the 2024 Edition, five Official Competitions shall be launched:
1. International Fiction Feature Film Competition: Fiction and documentary films of a duration equal to or greater than 45 minutes in any country of origin.
2. National Feature Film Competition: Documentaries or fiction films whose director is of Argentine nationality and have been filmed entirely in Argentina, of duration equal to or greater than 45 minutes.
3. International Fiction Short Film Competition: Short fiction of up to 26 minutes in any country of origin.
4. International Documentary Short Film Competition: Short documentaries of up to 26 minutes of duration in any country of origin.
5. National Short Film Competition: Documentaries or fiction films whose director is of Argentine nationality and have been filmed entirely in Argentina, of duration up to 26 minutes.

Section II. Eligibility of the Works Submitted
(i) As to content, the works to be submitted must tell stories related to the world of work and workers. Within this frame, the festival seeks to disseminate inspiring stories that, with an authorial, lucid and critical view, offer the audience a programmatic proposal that invites to reflect on how to ensure a fair transition to achieve the sustainable development goals, (Global Goals), and thus a world with greater social, economic and environmental justice.
We find ourselves immersed in a labor reality that is impacted by issues closely related to the 2030 Agenda, which provides a transformative vision for sustainable development centered on people and the planet, based on human rights and the dignity of people. The 17 Goals that constitute this agenda are universal, transformative and civilizing, as they envision "a world of universal respect for equality and non-discrimination". As workers, we consider ourselves agents of change and a powerful force, whose struggle must be focused on setting the agenda for the world's political leaders, from all spheres and fronts, to achieve measures aimed at fulfilling these objectives. As an International Film Festival we are convinced that the audiovisual industry is a highly effective tool that allows us to generate positive impact, to focus on underrepresented realities, and also to promote the necessary changes to achieve the evolution that is needed.
More information on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030:
We are looking for films in a variety of formats, compatible with the six categories listed above, that shed light on underrepresented stories about how workers, and the socio-labor world in general, deal with such transcendent topics as: gender equality, caregiving tasks and the elderly; education, that allows us to remain relevant in an constantly changing market; the challenge of facing the future of work, which is being driven by increasingly accelerated technological advances that are changing jobs and tasks; social protection in the face of new forms of labor; climate change and its impact on migration, health, and everyone’s security and prosperity; the growing inequality that prevents social mobility and jeopardizes food security, health and access to basic services for the majority of the world's population; the struggle of the original communities in terms of respect for the environment, which results in the loss of sources of work and food, and ultimately generates migratory movements; and sustainable consumption and production, among other issues that affect us all and that make it imperative to think about a fair transition to a more balanced world that leaves no one behind.
Those works not dealing with the work/labor topic as described above shall not be included in the competition.
(ii) The works entered in the competition may not be unpublished, but world, continental, national and/or Buenos Aires premieres will be privileged.
(iii) At the time of pre-selection of the works, these shall comply with all the technical requirements stated in Section VI: Submission of Works, subsection (ii).
(iv) Works shall be accepted in any language, provided they have Spanish subtitles. As to language treatment, please refer to Section VI: Submission of Works.
(v) Only works made as from June 1, 2022, shall be admitted.
(vi) No work shall be accepted if it offends the integrity of persons, institutions, or ethnic groups; which in any way discriminates or violates any ethic code or social convention; which contains scenes portraying sexual acts or explicit violence; or which violates in any way the good social manners or good moral behavior in general.
(vii) Enrollment in the International Short Film Competition categories, all of them, implies the acceptance of the fact that the works submitted, in case of being pre-selected, at the sole discretion of the organizers, in the platforms of Construir TV and/or the audiovisual platforms of UOCRA Foundation and the associated organizers and through "Canal Construir TV" (this being its current commercial name but understood as the audiovisual license owned by UOCRA FOUNDATION), and through CINE. AR TV through any public and/or free over-the-air television system, Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT), Open Digital Television (TDA) and Satellite Television (TVS), as well as its exhibition in INCAA's Video on Demand Platform (VOD), CINE.AR PLAY, both in Argentina and abroad.
Enrolled short films acknowledge that they may be included by Construir Cine in audiovisual collectives, audiovisual organizations, and civil society organizations related to the themes of the Festival, both national and international, for their participation in open selections governed by said groups.
The prerogatives mentioned above do not apply to any of the Sections included in the Feature Films category.
Section III. Participants:
2.1 Participants eligible to take part in any of the 5 Official Competitions may be natural persons (students of tertiary or university courses, as well as independent filmmakers), or juridical persons.
2. Participants must be at least 18 years of age.

Section IV. Dates:
Category / Stage Call for entries Deadline Announcement of pre-selections Announcement of Winners
ALL CATEGORIES OF THE COMPETITION 11/01/2023 11/10/2024 Before 04/10/2024 Closing Gala May 2024

Construir Cine reserves the right to re-categorize the films submitted.
In all cases, submission deadline shall be due on the 00:00 hour, Argentine time, of the closing day.

Section V. Enrollment.
Enrollment is free for feature and short films made by Argentine directors. The other registrations shall be charged an administrative fee.
Multiple submissions by a sole participant shall be accepted as long as each submission is made individually for each film submitted.
Enrollment steps:
1) Participants must submit their works on-line exclusively through the Festival's platforms at Festhome and Filmfreeway, both links are available on the Festival's website:
2) Participants must send the audiovisual material following the instructions described in Section VI: Submission of Works.
No other type of registration shall be accepted. There you shall be able to complete the registration form with all your personal data and full technical detail of the work which must necessarily include: link for visualization of the work, title, genre, category, duration, synopsis of up to 200 words and other technical data that appear in the form.
Construir Cine shall not be held responsible or liable for the mistakes or loss in the submission or reception of the information sent by the participants.
The participant knows and accepts that registering and sending the audiovisual material as detailed in points 1 and 2 implies full acceptance of the purpose, rules and conditions of the competition, as well as any modifications that may be made by the Organizer, as well as the decisions that may be taken on any matter not provided for in these rules and conditions.
Failure to comply or lack of compliance with the requirements stipulated in these rules shall void participation. Therefore, works that do not contain any of the data or full requirements detailed here shall be excluded from this call.

Section VI. Submission of Works.
i. Enrollment:
Works whose original language is not Spanish must provide Spanish subtitles or dubbing.
Only at this stage works whose original language is English or with English subtitles/dubbing shall be accepted. If the material is pre-selected, the Spanish subtitling or dubbing shall be mandatory. The participants may write an electronic mail to in case of any doubts.
ii. Pre-Selection:
The authors of the pre-selected films must send:
1) A link with two high-quality pictures from the film, plus a picture of the director.
2) A screening link with the following features:

a) Codec: H264
b) Container: mov or mp4
c) Bitrate: at least 20 Mbit/s (Constant or superior)
d) Format: FULL HD 1080 50i; 1080 25p; 1080 60i; 1080 30p
e) AUDIO STEREO CHANNEL 2: 1 & 2 Stereo Full MIX
F) Spanish-speaking films must be sent without subtitles. Spanish subtitling or dubbing is mandatory for works in languages other than Spanish.

Works must be submitted clean, without charts or time codes, or any screen plate stating sponsors, supports, prizes received or the like.

Section VII: Judges, Selection Process, and Awards
The Panel of Judges for each of the competitions shall comprise, at least, 3 (three) personalities of outstanding achievements in the TV and film industries, or distinguished experts in the festival’s theme. All the enrollment, pre-selection and winner selection shall be overseen by Construir Cine or the competition sponsors.
Winner selection shall be divided in two rounds: 1) pre-selection, and 2) winner selection.
1 winner will be chosen for each competition for best film and the mentions that the judges consider.
The judges shall select the works to be awarded a prize based on two criteria: CONTENT and MAKING.
Content: the focus shall be on the films describing an experience, a situation or reality referred to the world of work/labor, and on the story emphasizing the appreciation of the culture of work in all its dimensions. On this edition, the “Climate Change” theme shall be prioritized.
Making: the focus shall be on the participants having used the most appropriate narrative and technical resources to tell the story.
The judges’ decision shall be final and not open for appeal.
The prizes and incentives will be announced by the organizer in due course
Section VIII. Rights to use and liability
All Participants guarantee that, at the time of enrollment in the competition, are the sole and exclusive owners of the copyright over the work(s) submitted, and that they are not violating third parties’ rights.
At the time of enrollment in the competition, the Participant(s), whether he/she/they be (a) natural or legal person(s), shall be automatically authorizing the Organizer and its sponsors to use, automatically and without need to notify the Participant, expressly, finally, irrevocably, without right to receive payment or compensation, the use of the name, image and voice of the Participant(s) on pictures, files and/or digital media, as well as in posters, films and/or publicity spots, tunes and/or vignettes in any type of media and/or promotional pieces, including television, radio, newspapers, posters/signs, mailings and the like for the purpose of the widest publicizing of this contest and its subsequent editions.
Also, at the time of enrollment, Participants guarantee that the Participant or the films submitted to the contest are free from all claims from authors, actors, interpreters, managing companies, unions, and are free from any lien, restriction, or any impediment or limitation to distribution, reproduction, marketing, and exhibition, without temporal or territorial limitations.

By virtue of the statements above, the Participant shall bear and assume all the costs whatsoever of defending the Organizer against any court or out of court action based on the claim that the marketing, distribution, reproduction and/or use of the films or part of them, in the state in which they have been delivered by the Participant, is contrary to the contracts, authorizations, commercial agreements, professional agreements or labor agreements obtained by the Participant for the making of the film. In this case, the Participant shall bear all the costs and expenses if a court decision should make the Organizer liable for the matters described in the lines above.

The Participant shall be responsible for the content, and the form of each of the films submitted by him/her to the contest, and shall guarantee that the work(s) submitted do not violate the rights of privacy or any other rule imposed by the relevant control authorities. Therefore, each Participant assumes full liability for the damages that may arise from the use and exhibition of the work(s) and assumes the responsibility to hold the Organizer harmless in case any claim arises based on the facts herein mentioned.

Assignment of Exhibition Rights over Short Films

All the preselected Participants or winners of Short Film competitions assign to the ORGANIZER the rights of use, reproduction, exhibition and any other use or application given to the work for the TV channels CONSTRUIR TV through any free or public TV system, Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT), Televisión Digital Abierta (TDA) and Televisión Satelital (TVS).

Assignment of Exhibition Rights over Feature Films

All the preselected or winning Participants of the Feature Films competitions assign to the ORGANIZER the exhibition rights of the Work throughout the term of the International Labor Film Festival CONSTRUIR CINE to be held during May 2024 in the Argentine Republic.

The festival may take place in person, online or mixed according to the current provisions for cultural events at that time and also according to the decision made by the ORGANIZER.
The programming grid, as well as the designation of theater rooms and/or on line plataforms where the works shall be shown, shall be set by the ORGANIZER to his sole criterion.

Section IX - Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction.
These terms and conditions shall be construed and applied in conformity with the Argentine laws.
In the event of any dispute, discrepancy, question or claim resulting from the implementation or interpretation of this Agreement or its regulation, directly or indirectly, the parties agree to submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the Ordinary Courts of the City of Buenos Aires, and thus relinquish any other jurisdiction that may be applicable by virtue of the present or future domiciles.
Section X. Sponsors. Authorization.
Participants in the short film categories acknowledge and accept that the winning short films shall be part of the Global Labor Film Festival database – hereinafter GLFF-, automatically participating in the national and international contests or festivals related to the theme of this contest.

Section XI. Acceptance of the terms and conditions
The mere fact of taking part in this contest implies full acceptance of these terms and conditions, which can be read and downloaded from the website

The Organizers of the contest reserve the right to modify the time periods and the deadlines set in these terms and conditions, as well as the features of the prizes and their presentation/delivery.

Overall Rating
  • Gastón Revol Molina

    An amazing experience! Loved eveything about this festival.

    June 2024
  • Renzo Sgolacchia

    Thank you for screening my film 'Living Labour' at your festival. It was truly an honor to be a part of it.

    May 2024
  • Matthieu Lietaert

    Great fest, great team, great all :) Thanks for having our film THE ILLUSION OF ABUNDANCE about environmental defenders! And for the Special Mention by the Jury!

    May 2024
  • Anja Strelec

    Great festival and great communication !

    May 2024
  • Alejandro Angel

    Un poderoso festival, con una curaduría excelente y que con sus secciones genera espacios para reflexionar de manera amplia y diversa sobre el futuro del trabajo.

    Gracias por exhibir nuestra película "Todas Las Flores". ¡Volveremos¡

    May 2024