‘Making a film makes you happy. This is what I wish you all, see it through, don’t ever stop!’ (Vilmos Zsigmond)
Vilmos Zsigmond (1930-2016), the world-famous, Academy Award-winning cinematographer was born in Szeged. With his words in mind, our festival invites cinematographers to compete and focuses on the quality of the film image.
The Zsigmond Vilmos International Film Festival primarily aims at drawing attention to the work of cinematographers, one of the most important co-creators of a film, together with giving an opportunity to young artists to show their craft. Hungarian cinematography has become world-famous in the past 60 years, and the members of the new generations, who both follow and renew the traditions, are no exception. The festival jury will evaluate the films submitted to the festival primarily on the basis of the cinematography, but will of course also look at the overall artistic quality.
The festival also wishes to focus on Zsigmond Vilmos’s life and art and to show today’s cinematographers what he achieved. So every year we will also show a retrospective of his work, a selection of his films based on different criteria, as well as documentaries and interviews with and about him, since Vilmos Zsigmond, the world-famous, Academy Award-winning cinematographer, was born in Szeged and was also named honorary citizen of the town. The largest auditorium with 512 seats in Belvárosi Cinema, which is one of the biggest, oldest and most beautiful cinemas in Hungary, was named after him in 2005, and he was very proud of it. He visited the cinema many times and brought international TV companies along to the place where he first encountered the wonderful world of movies.
The honorary patron of the festival is Susan Zsigmond.
Zsigmond Vilmos Award for Best Cinematography
CinProCaS® Award for the best cinematographer
Best Feature Award for the film's cinematographer
Best Documentary Award for the film's cinematographer
Best Short Feature Award for the film's cinematographer
Best Music Video Award for the video's cinematographer
Critics’ Choice Award
Student Jury Award
Special Mentions are possible in the 6 above categories
Szeged Award
HCA - Hungarian Cinematographers' Association Award
AHD - Association of HUngarian Film Directors Award
Vantage Vision Award, for the Best Young Cinematographer
Lifetime Achievement Award
The jury reserves the right not to present every award.