Wake Forest Film Festival

The Wake Forest Film Festival (WFFF) seeks filmmakers to share their vibrant, diverse, and original works with our audience. We are thrilled to invite filmmakers from our community and around the world to submit their exceptional works and become a part of our growing festival. The WFFF welcomes submissions of features, shorts, and all forms of film production including fiction, documentary, animation, experimental, and more. We look for interesting new voices and works that show passion and creativity. The goal of the WFFF is to bring together filmmakers, filmthusiasts, and people who enjoy a good story to our 1-day festival. We invite you to be a part of the 2025 Wake Forest Film Festival by submitting your film.

Awards for:

*Best Narrative Feature Film - $100
*Best Narrative Short Film - $100
*Best Documentary - $100
*Best Student Film - $100


Dear Filmmaker:

The 2024 Wake Forest Film Festival is an opportunity for filmmakers to showcase films in a unique location to a discerning audience.

All submitted films should convey to the audience the best story possible.

Foreign films must have subtitles.

Requirements and restrictions:
• We accept narrative features, narrative shorts, documentary features, documentary shorts, and student films in all categories (High School & College).
• We do not pay a screening fee or travel expenses for filmmakers whose films have been selected for screening at the festival.
• We cannot consider or screen films that are available for sale on Youtube, Netflix, Amazon, or any other consumer site.
• Aside from other film festivals, the film must not screen within 100 miles of Wake Forest, North Carolina, from date of selection to the end of the festival in which the film appears.

By submitting your film you agree to the following:
• That you have clearance of rights.
• That the authorized rights holder of the film grants to the Wake Forest Film Festival the right to screen this movie at the Wake Forest Film Festival during the agreed upon dates.
• That excerpts of the film can be broadcast on the festival website or any other publication of the Wake Forest Film Festival for promotional purposes.
• To the best of your resources, you will appropriately promote the screening on your end.

No additional grant of rights is implied or intended, and filmmaker retains all other rights to the film.

We strive to keep our entry costs as low as possible. Sorry, no waivers or discounts of entry fees are available for any reason.

Film Festival Contact: Debbie Dunn
ddunn@wakeforestnc.gov or 919-435-9567

Overall Rating
  • Beautiful film festival! Highly recommend!

    December 2024
  • Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation

    Thank you so much to Wake Forest Film Festival awarding our animation not with one prize, but with two! We feel very honoured! Thannk you sending us the awards and for the great communication. We wish we could have attended the festival in person.

    March 2022
  • Wonderful little festival. Great communication and facilities. Lovely audience who asked many questions. We enjoyed this festival very much!

    March 2022
    Response from festival:

    Thank you Kelley. One of the highlights for the audience is getting to meet filmmakers like yourself. We appreciate you being a part of the 2022 Wake Forest Film Festival and wish you every success with your filmmaker's endeavors.

  • Great communication.
    That is what I what.

    March 2020
    Response from festival:

    Thank you Dave. We appreciate your participation and wish you much success with your film making.

  • An amazing festival - I am honored to have been a part of it! I wish I could have attended!

    March 2020
    Response from festival:

    We missed you Ashley but were grateful that Marty attended for you. Maybe we will all have the chance to meet soon.