WINTER FILM AWARDS challenges the film community to create a 4-7 minute short film in just two weeks! Teams of the most creative people in the industry will be randomly assigned a film genre and prop and then have 14-days to decide what you are going to do, write a screenplay, assemble props, costumes and actors, rehearse, shoot, score and edit your film. Students, amateurs, and seasoned industry veterans alike learn the importance of caffeine, team work and time management in successful filmmaking.

Completed films will be uploaded to YouTube to garner the coveted “Fan Favorite” vote. Prizes will be awarded for Best Picture, Fan Favorite and more!

Challenge begins at 8PM EST on May 18th.
Challenge ends at 11:59PM EST on June 1.
Films posted to our Website for fan favorite voting on June 2
Winners announced on June 15.
Winners screened at WFA2021 International Film Festival Sept 23-Oct 2

For the 2012 Challenge, teams had to contend with a large brightly-colored snowflake sugar cookie and a tagline from Fight Club. For the 2013 Challenge, we made it even more difficult — Teams had a tagline from Ghostbusters and Gray Line New York provided each team with one-hour private shooting time on a double-decker sightseeing tour bus, complete with Tour Guide and Driver. For the 2014 Challenge, teams had to include Citibike in their story line. Visit the WFA Playlists for the 2013 Challenge and 2014 Challenge to view all of the amazing films.

For our 2016 Challenge, teams had a one-hour permit to shoot in the beautiful Grand Central Terminal and were required to use the tagline “This is New York and there’s no law against being annoying“. We had martial arts fights, zombies and samurai sword fighting on the Main Concourse, and freaked out a number of tourists with each take of a heart attack!

Best Picture to receive $1000 cash prize plus some cool equipment.
Fan Favorite, Honorable Mention and Best New York City film each win $200.

All four winners will be screened at the 2021 Winter Film Awards International FIlm Festival (Sept 23-Oct 2) at Cinema Village in New York City. Each winning film to receive a pair of All-Access passes to the Festival.

Visit for our full list of Rules of the Challenge

Visit for Challenge FAQ