The mission of the VieClip International Music Festival is to expand the limits of traditional film-making through creation of “a visual symphony” where the music would play the leading role in the film.

Almost one hundred years ago French “Fathers of Cinematography“ had been dreaming about merging music and picture into one single “visual symphony”. Unfortunately, none of these attempts to create a new cinematic language - where music would play a leading role were - successful.

We took the risk of building on the same concept of “integral cinematography”, on the new technological and philosophical level. We called our method “VieClip” from French “la vie”, which means life. This viewpoint allows us to reach synergistic effect in merging visuals and music and thus start exploring eternal human themes and values like love and happiness, tragedy and solitude, etc. from a slightly new angle.

Merging picture with music creates long awaited “integral cinematography” providing additional dimension and power to visual messages. At the same time it gives the second life to music itself, allowing us to visualize images inspired by melodies, often lost in our subconscious.

Being the youngest genre in musical film industry VieClip is also the most democratic one allowing almost any person on the street – from Alaska to Australia – to participate in our Festival and become the winner of the prize and the cash award.

New York City does not need recommendations. It is one of the greatest cities in the world where you can also listen to all kinds of music. Its diverse ethnic and cultural community has contributed to introducing and maintaining multiple musical genres – from jazz and rock-n-roll in Bowery to classical music in Carnegie Hall. But New York City is also well known for its cinema culture bolstered by an impressive line up of 20 plus film festivals happening year-round. However, there is no festival focusing specifically on musical films. We decided to fill this gap and to organize First Living Music VieClip International Music Festival in New York City in the spring of 2024. The Award Ceremony will take place at the famous Museum of Moving Image in May 2024.

Festival competition will be conducted in the following 9 main categories based on the genre of music:

- classical music
- popular music
- jazz
- rock-n-roll
- ethnic music
- hip-hop;

and two special categories:

- "Beatlemania”- for the VieClips based on the songs of The Beatles

– “Smartphone Master”- for the VieClips shot using smartphones

The winners in each category will receive a special memorable statuette and a cash prize of 1000 dollars.

The organizers retain the right not to award a prize in any category depending on the quality of the contesting VieClips.

In order to qualify for a VieClip status and to take part in the First 2021 VieClip International Music Festival your creative video product should meet the following basic criterias:

Every VieClip should be based on concrete story with the plot unfolding along with the music theme from its beginning till the end.

No monologue, dialogue or any kind of narration is permitted in VieClip

Only one musical composition is allowed in a single VieClip , no music potpourri is accepted.

Musical performer (musician, singer or orchestra) should not appear in the picture or become part of action

All genres are welcome -.both in terms of music (from rap to classical) and drama (from comedy to ballet and animation)

No limitations- from 3 minutes popular song to 2 hours chamber music as long as they meet above criterias

No limitations in terms of the its quality -.from top professional recording equipment to modern smartphones - as long as they guarantee decent quality of visuals and music.