1. Unit Settings
1. The festival features two competition units: Main Competition Unit and Asian Perspective Unit.
* Open for submissions from Chinese-language and Asian short films (between 5 and 30 minutes in length; including fiction, documentary, experimental, and animation genres).
2. The festival includes a non-competitive unit titled "Theatre! Theatre!" Screening Unit:
* Open for submissions from Chinese-language short films (under 60 minutes; including fiction, documentary, experimental, and animation genres), medium-length films (60 minutes and above, without genre distinction), and commercial advertisements (no restrictions on length or genre).
3. The festival features an International Short Film Special Program:
* Open for submissions from non-Chinese short films (between 3 and 40 minutes in length; including fiction, documentary, experimental, and animation genres). Selected films will be screened as a curated playlist, with no dedicated international competition unit.
2. Competition Guidelines
1. Submitted works will be reasonably adjusted internally according to the curatorial needs of the organizing committee.
2. Only works completed after January 1, 2024, are eligible for entry (priority will be given to works that retain premiere rights).
3. The Main Competition Unit and the "Theatre! Theatre!" Screening Unit are only open to Chinese-language creators who meet any of the following conditions:
* The film's director is a citizen of a Chinese-language region, including China (including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) and parts of Southeast Asia (for co-directed films, at least one director must meet this requirement);
* The primary language of the film’s dialogue is Chinese (including Mandarin, Cantonese, and various dialects);
* More than 50% of the film’s shooting locations are within the aforementioned Chinese-language regions;
* At least two key members of the production team (writer, producer, cinematographer, sound designer, editor, art director, composer, lead actor) are citizens of Chinese-language regions (cross-regional works by overseas students are accepted).
4. There is no limit to the number of entries submitted, and submissions can be made to multiple units, subject to selection adjustments by the organizing committee.
5. If any version of the work (including re-edited or reshot versions) has been submitted to any unit of VITA SHORTS before, it is not eligible for entry.
3. Submission Requirements
1. Submissions are divided into Early Bird, Standard, and Late Registration stages, from 00:00 on January 29, 2025, to 24:00 on May 4, 2025 (Beijing time).
2. Applicants must complete online registration and submit all required materials before the deadline. Films with incomplete or non-compliant materials will not be included in the evaluation process.
3. Each work must be submitted individually with the following details:
* Download link for the film file (MOV or MP4 format). If adding a watermark, please place the VITA SHORTS logo in the top right corner;
* Fully completed submission materials (including a synopsis, director’s statement, and personal resume);
* One director’s photo;
* Three still images from the film (300 dpi);
* Three on-set photos (300 dpi, optional);
* One poster (300 dpi);
* A trailer (MOV or MP4 format, optional).
4. Technical Requirements:
* For preliminary review, film files should be in MOV or MP4 format (a lower-memory preview version can be provided);
* If selected, a high-definition screening file must be provided: MOV or MP4 format (encoded in H.264 or ProRes422, full HD resolution, stereo sound, with further instructions for creating DCP files upon selection).
4. Copyright Information
1. Entrants must ensure that all music, sound, images, text, and other materials used in the film are original or have been authorized by the original copyright holders. Documentary footage must have the subjects’ portrait rights and filming authorization. Entrants are responsible for any legal issues arising from their submissions.
2. If any infringement of copyright or portrait rights is discovered, the organizing committee has the right to disqualify the film from the competition.
3. Upon selection, a final screening version must be submitted to the organizing committee. Except for post-production adjustments such as sound mixing, color grading, and subtitle translation, the final screening version must match the reviewed version, with no changes allowed during the evaluation process.
5. Publicity Information
1. Upon selection, the submitted materials and information will be used in festival promotional materials, brochures, official website, and both online and offline media. The organizing committee reserves the right to edit and publicly use up to 10% of the film’s total length. Missing information or materials during submission must be completed at the selection stage.
2. Selected, nominated, and awarded films will receive official laurels, which may be used in subsequent promotional materials. Award laurels must not be altered.
3. According to industry practice, screenings during the festival do not require a screening license fee. Subsequent commercial co-curation events will distribute box office revenue according to the authorization agreement.
6. Disclaimer
1. The Chinese version of these regulations is the official and accurate statement, with the English and other working languages provided for reference only.
2. Once the submission process is completed, requests to withdraw films that may affect the evaluation and preparation stages will not be accepted.
3. Submission of a film is considered acceptance of the terms listed in these regulations. Any matters not covered will be explained by the organizing committee, which reserves the right to amend the details and announce them in due course.
* 分别面向华语及亚洲短片(5分钟以上、30分钟以下;剧情、纪录、实验、动画等片种)开放报名。
* 仅面向华语短片(60分钟以下;剧情、纪录、实验、动画等片种)、中长片(60分钟及以上,不区分片种)、商业广告(无时长与片种限制)开放报名。
* 面向非华语短片(3分钟以上、40分钟以下;剧情、纪录、实验、动画等片种)开放报名,入围作品将以精选片单形式展映,并未特设国际竞赛单元。
* 影片导演为华语地区国家公民,包括中国(含港澳台)与东南亚部分国家等(如为联合导演,其中1位符合即可);
* 影片主要对白语言为华语(包括普通话、粤语、各地方言);
* 影片50%以上的拍摄场景在上述华语地区境内;
* 剧组主创(编剧、制片人、摄影、声音设计、剪辑、美术、配乐、主要演员)任意2位以上为华语地区国家公民(即接受海外留学生的跨地域创作);
5)如作品的任何版本(包括重新剪辑或补拍等情况)曾投递过VITA SHORTS任何单元,则不具备参赛条件。
1) 分为早鸟、标准及延迟报名阶段,整体周期为2025年1月29日00:00至5月4日24:00(北京时间)。
2) 报名者需在截止日期前完成在线报名,并按要求将所有相关材料上传提交。材料缺漏或内容不符合要求的影片将不被纳入评审流程。
3) 每部作品都应单独进行报名,详细资料列表:
* 影片正片文件的下载链接(MOV或MP4格式),如需添加水印,请统一于右上角标注VITA SHORTS标识;
* 完整填写好报名材料(含故事梗概、导演阐述、个人简历等);
* 1张导演照片;
* 3张作品静帧图片(300dpi);
* 3张拍摄剧照(300dpi,非必要);
* 1张作品海报(300dpi);
* 作品的预告片(MOV或MP4格式,非必要);
4) 技术要求:
* 参加初审的影片文件格式:MOV或MP4格式(可提供较小内存的预览版);
* 如作品入围,需要提供高清播放文件:MOV或MP4格式(编码:H.264 或 ProRes422,全高清分辨率,立体声,入围后另行联系制作DCP文件)。
1) 参赛者须保证影片中使用的音乐、声音、影像、文字等素材均为原创或已取得原始版权方授权,纪录素材应取得被拍摄者肖像权及被拍摄授权许可。如参赛影片引起相关法律纠纷,所造成的法律责任由报名者自行承担。
2) 如影片存在版权或肖像权侵权行为,组委会有权拒绝该影片参赛。
2)影片入围、提名及获奖后,组委会将会提供相应桂冠标识,影片可在后续宣传材料中呈现VITA SHORTS入围或奖项标识,奖项标识严禁修改。
6. 免责声明
1) 本章程中文版本被作为官方准确表述,英文及其他工作语言仅供参考。