CALL FOR eARTh-Makers!
We are a 501(c)(3) and will be hosting our 3rd annual Multimedia Art Festival, highlighting the works of eARTh-Makers whose creative output is in service to the regeneration of our earth.
We focus on themes that speak to the earth and our relation to it, as well as healing art practices that consider the the imperative role that art plays within healing practice.
We are accepting submissions of all mediums: films, songs, podcasts, art pieces for sale, etc.
If you are a visual artist, we are willing to present your work for sale through our platform.
All submissions cannot be longer than 15 minutes long. Please include the following:
-Name of Piece
-Brief Description of Piece
-Artist Bio
-Credits (Production, Video, Editing, and Music)
-Closed Captions, if applicable
***By submitting work to this festival, the artist acknowledges that they have any/all rights or licensing associated with their work***
Upon acceptance, artists will be sent a contract which will include rules and terms for the festival, as well as important dates to note, and responsibilities.
We so look forward to connecting you to our community, and amplifying your work on our platforms!
Learn more about UneARTh Arts Society:
2023 Resident Artist Spot -
There will be opportunities to join our UneARTh team in 2023 as we collaborate to produce multimedia art events for the public.