The Trans Teen+ Film Festival is an online film festival celebrating the expression and talents of people under the trans umbrella and inter people, organized by trans non-binary film makers.

The aim of the TT+FF is to foster creativity self-expression, empowerment and community building, especially for the younger members of our trans and inter community.

​The Festival will showcase handpicked short films made by trans and inter teens and adults from all around the world, have Q&A's with the film makers and propose a digital lounge for film makers to connect.

1 audience choice award per category
1 Jury award (cross-category)

film makers must:
* be under the trans umbrella and/or inter or questioning
* send a short video presentation of themselves and the film as well as two film stills

films must:
* be under 30min
* have english subtitles
* have been made between 2019-2024

We prioritize films by and/or about trans and inter teens.
Please only submit each short film once.

Overall Rating
  • Solomon Watkins

    It was an incredible experience to meet everyone partaking in the festival. It was very welcoming, and most importantly inclusive and actively accessible. This is a really strong and important platform which is really needed and i hope all under the trans umbrella and fighting for those within find this festival because there is a level of additional interest, trust, care and investment which can be hard to find in the industry and especially the festival circuit. We had a huge number of our cast and crew attend different parts of the event and interest from our collaborators was especially high for this festival.

    November 2021