The Viña del Mar Terror in the Bay Fantastic Film Festival aims to bring genre cinema closer to the residents of the city and spread its attractions to the world.
Fantastic and horror movies have a cathartic function, when we watch a movie we experience the experiences of the characters without fear of suffering its effects. Violent movies, catastrophic scenarios, terror, extreme survival... provoke an emotional discharge that sometimes prepares us to face our real life.
For this reason we embark on this great adventure that is to make the first edition of Terror in the Bay so special for its audience to live and online, we hope to have many more editions and make Viña del Mar enter the map of fantastic world film festivals.

Best Feature Film
Best National Short Film
Best International Short Film
Best Performance
Best animated short

This 2023 we will carry out face-to-face and online activities.

1. Theme: Feature films and short films must belong to the fantasy or horror genre, including all its subgenres.
2. Submission Deadline: Films may be submitted only through the FilmFreeway website, within the dates indicated therein.
3.Characteristics of the films: The short films will have a maximum duration of 30 minutes. The films will have a minimum duration of 60 minutes. They can be made with any type of audiovisual technique (animation, mobile, video camera, digital video, cinema, 4k,...). It is mandatory that all short films and feature films have subtitles in Spanish. Unless the language in which it is carried out is Spanish. Works where the authors put music that is not original to the film or that do not have their exploitation rights will not be accepted.
4. Submission formats: In the case of being selected, your project must be sent by download link in the following format:
- Minimum resolution HD 1080p only with the following export (send without menu, without adjustment bars and with 2 seconds of black)
- H.264 codec
- Audio Channels: 2 (stereo)
- Audio Sample Rate: 48kHz
- Audio Bit Depth: 16 or 24 bits
Works in a language other than Spanish must include embedded subtitles or, failing that, attach these in .srt format.
5. Terror in the Bay reserves the right to use the images of the films selected for the Festival for marketing purposes.
6. Acceptance of the bases: The presentation to this contest implies, on the part of the participants, the knowledge and acceptance of these bases and the decision and modification of the jury's decision. These bases are subject to possible modifications and/or annexes for reasons beyond the control of the organization. For any questions, contact the organization at the following email:

Overall Rating
  • Muchas gracias amigos de Terror en la Bahia. Excelente festival con una organizacion impecable. Agradecemos haber sido parte de tan lindo Festival con nuestra pelicula Los Turistas. Nuestros saludos desde Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    October 2023
  • Lucía Bayardo

    Thanks for giving the award as best animated film to my short film, The old hag in the crow. La vieja y el Cuervo. I wish I had been there, thanks a lot again.!!!

    October 2023
  • Gisela Chicolino

    A festival on this topic is really a necessary one. Please keep working on generating this exquisite programming for the audiences.

    October 2022
  • Una muy grata experiencia con Terror en la Bahía.
    Mucho entusiasmo y amor por el cine de parte de sus organizadores. Constante comunicación, mucha cercanía. Felicitaciones y a esperar la próxima edición.

    October 2022
  • Amazing festival with great organization, very friendly and helpful staff, a great event well organized. It was a great pleasure to be part of it in official selection.
    Thanks again

    October 2022