Tânia Sofia Oliveira Prates was born in 1984, in Santarém, Portugal. A graduate of Multimedia Education and Communication by Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém, she is currently employee in Coruche town hall at office communication, where she develops multimedia and audiovisual works.
He attended primary school in Coruche elementary school, and 9-year-old starts his career in athletics, becoming at the age of 12 years national champion in athletics in the c category of long jump and hurdles, due to the guidance of his coach and athlet Olympian Mário Aníbal.
He attended secondary school in high school from Coruche, and in 2004 ended the Technical course of tourism in Hot Tourism School of elaria and Santarém. Interned at the Pestana Carlton Madeira Hotel in the year 2004 as Encouraging tourist and as Manager of events in
Department of F&B.
In October 2004 he joined the Coruche Municipal Museum as a receptionist, and over the years has been developing multimedia work focusing on film area.
He graduated in the year 2012 in multimedia by Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém, and during the Bachelor's holds its first short film entitled "Rope clock" and WATCH the same present in Farcume Festival 2012 and the official competition "Brevemente" 2012. Your final draft of course f hi that is until today his first feature film called ' firemen of MY LAND ", about the history of the Corps of volunteer firefighters from Coruche, Coruche municipal mbeiros Bo today, as a tribute to all the men and women who have dedicated their life to this noble cause. This publication was the winner of the national prize in the category Multimedia Sony HD Schools