SpIFF accepts features, documentaries, animations, and shorts from around the world. Genre is open.
SpIFF will be in-person for the 2025 edition!
Required Notifications: When submitting on FilmFreeway, you must notify us if you plan to require a screening fee. Knowing these conditions will enable us to best plan our program with a minimum of disruption.
SpIFF loves Pacific Northwest filmmakers! We especially love Pacific Northwest filmmakers who have their Spokane premiere at SpIFF! But we are sad to say that, except in very unusual circumstances, SpIFF is not able to screen open submissions that receive significant exhibition in Spokane prior to SpIFF, either via theatrical, non-theatrical, broadcast, or streaming venues. Such submissions may be declined at the discretion of the programmers. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at submissions@spokanefilmfestival.org before screening in Spokane and before submitting your work to SpIFF.
SpIFF will NOT consider open submissions that were publicly screened before the submission deadline of our most recently completed festival (i.e. 15 October 2023 for SpIFF 2025). Nor do we screen works that are readily available on the internet (i.e. without password protection), except in extraordinary circumstances, such as retrospective screenings or films of regional significance. In addition, SpIFF will NOT consider open submissions that are readily available on the internet (i.e. without password protection or on a streaming service), except in extraordinary circumstances. Please contact submissions@spokanefilmfestival.org before submitting your work or before screening it in Spokane if you have any questions regarding this policy.
Please contact us at submissions@spokanefilmfestival.org if you are unable to submit through Film Freeway.
Submission Format: Submit preview copies as a secure online screener, via FilmFreeway.
Presentation Format: We will exhibit accepted works from DCP.
Notification: The Festival will notify, by email via FilmFreeway, all open submissions on or before February 9, 2025 whether or not their work has been selected by SpIFF.
Loss and Damage: Every precaution will be taken to safeguard all materials submitted to the festival. However, we cannot accept or assume responsibility in the event of loss or damage.
Please note: If your work is accepted for SpIFF, we greatly appreciate a variety of high-resolution images files, such as stills from the work and a poster, being available on Film Freeway.