Creative Director at Ghost Walk Studios in Ohio. I am also a screenwriter of films that have won awards and features in development.
I also work on Independent Films with other film companies in various roles
Award-winning filmmaker Rocky Karlage is the Creative Director, Screenwriter and Producer of American film company Ghost Walk Studios, "Where Myth Meets Reality"; co-founded with best friend and current President Victoria Vardon.
Rocky has been a professional screenwriter for over 10 years, and films "wherever I'm needed" crew member for his studio and others.
Developing the Top Secret true crime drama "The Remus Gang" with several interested film stars who have already joined the cast. Co-writer of the screenplay with professional screenwriter Ariel Rodgers, we are also developing the proof-of-concept short "Revenge Never Dies" in the same historical period.
Once wrote a Spider-Man story submitted to Marvel Comics. Stan Lee read and rejected it, but replied with a note of encouragement and "Excelsior!".
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde
Creative Director at Ghost Walk Studios in Ohio. I am also a screenwriter of films that have won awards and features in development.
I also work on Independent Films with other film companies in various roles