Poetica: The Art of Poetry
Poetica (Film): a short film where an original poem is transformed into a micro film.

Create a 1-5 minute film, including any opening and closing credits, from an original poem. Films must be submitted between January 13 and April 17, 2025. Selected films will be shown on Sunday April 27, 2025 in Manteca, California as part of the POETICAS INSTITUTE FIRST ANNUAL FILM FESTIVAL on April 27, 2024. The original poem should account for a minimum of 75% of the film. Film can be live action, animated, claymation, or other approved method. This should not read as a music video. Powerpoints and slide shows not accepted.
Categories: General Audience/ Family Friendly, PG/ Teen, and R.

Scholarships for Poets and Film makers, Judge created awards TBD.

Poeticas Film Festival
Submission Guidelines

Poetica: The Art of Poetry
Poetica (Film): a short film where an original poem is transformed into

1. $30 Non-Refundable Entry/Registration Fee:

2. Each “Poetica” or Short Film Submitted must BE an original poem that does not have a published video, or already created video that is posted or public prior to January 13 of that festival’s year.

3. Each Poem must be used with express written consent of its author

4. Each Poetica (Film) should be a minimum of 1 minute and no longer than 5 minutes, including any opening or closing credits.

5. The majority of dialogue in the film should be the poem (approx. 70-75% or more). In other words, the poem is the script.

6. The Poetica may be live action, animated, Claymation, or other adjacent film-art.

7. Any music should be used within legal rights and should not distract or detract from the poem. It Should not read like a Music Video.

8. This festival is open to persons of all ages from anywhere in California.

9. Any member of a Poetica team who is under 18 years of age must have express written consent from their parent or guardian to participate

10. All participants participate at their own risk

11. The Poetica may not be a Powerpoint type of Presentation, photo slide-show.

12. Submissions are due by 11:59PM April 17, 2025.