Pluribus Fest is a multimedia and interactive festival focused on international multimedia short films.

We're excited to announce a new partnership with Cinee streaming service
Cinee is inspired by the incredible talent showcased at Pluribus this year, and would love to partner with you, the award winners, to showcase your film

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WATCH VIDEO 2024>>>>>>>>>>

PRESS 2025

AWARDS CEREMONY February 6, 2025
via Calabritto 20
Naples Italy

Best Cinematography Award nominees:
• The Red Market by Christopher Matthew Spencer (USA)
• Vasomotor Rhinitis by Mikheil Gabaidze (Georgia)
• Vincenza Birillo by Biagio Manna (Italy)

Vincenza Birillo by Biagio Manna

Best Social Impact Award nominees:
• A Postcard for Floyd by Giangiacomo Rocco di Torrepadula (Italy)
• Ciuf Ciuf by Stefano De Felici (Italy)
• Letter by Seyed Jamal Kamali (Canada)

A Postcard for Floyd by Giangiacomo Rocco di Torrepadula

Best Young Talent Award nominees:
• Cat & Fish by Nilram Ranjbar (Iran)
• The Innocents of War by Martina Calabrese (Italy)
• Violence by Eugenio Sommella (Italy)

Violence by Eugenio Sommella

Best New Media Award nominees:
• BOTb3QUIM by S4RA (Portugal)
• Mythological Menagerie by Jonathan Monaghan (USA)
• When I Become a Ghost by Leslie Streit (USA)

When I Become a Ghost by Leslie Streit

Best Audience Award nominees:
• Une Réflexion by Margarethe Baillou (Singapore)
• Women Aid - The Muses by Valeria Altobelli (Italy)
• Zaxme by Soore Vahe (Iran)

Women Aid - The Muses by Valeria Altobelli

In order to apply for the multimedia short film section, each participant must submit a short film that can be edited with the development of the story divided along 4 displays to allow an immersive vision.

The length of the original short is not binding but the multimedia editing must 1 minute
per screen to be played simultaneously.

Candidates can submit a vimeo link to view a short film that is still unedited.
If selected, they must send four one-minute videos via email (, one for each screen, designed to be played simultaneously specifying: FRONT SCREEN - RIGHT SCREEN - LEFT SCREEN - REAR SCREEN. The editing team is disposable for support.

Last edition

The winning short films will remain visible in the Pluribus multimedia cube

For any questions contact

Overall Rating
  • Tanin Torabi

    Thank you Pluribus festival for your great hospitality and the Best Social Impact award for my 2017 film, "The Derive".

    April 2024
    Response from festival:

    It was so great hosting you in Naples and rewarding you for your touching short THE DERIVE
    We wish you all the best for your career

  • Fabio Parmigiano

    La partecipazione al Pluribus Multimedia Fest ha restituito una percezione dell'opera cinematografica, con la quale abbiamo partecipato, totalmente nuova e immersiva, dalla quale ne siamo usciti cresciuti.
    Grazie infinitamente per l'opportunità da parte di tutto il collettivo #CUOREDINAPOLI

    April 2024
    Response from festival:

    Grazie a tutti voi #cuoredinapoli
    Il vostro cortometraggio Il cortometraggio ci ha proiettato in un viaggio senza tempo fatto di poesia e di emozioni visive, palpabili in suoni, parole e coreografie che permettono di assaporare i frammenti di una città senza limiti di spazio e di tempo

  • Blue Film

    Festival Multimediale Originale, coinvolgente e interattivo, con un' organizzazione impeccabile e attenta ad ogni dettaglio, un grande ringraziamento alla direttrice del Festival Anna Laura Di Luggo e tutto il suo staff per averci dato la possibilità di partecipare ad un' esperienza totalmente nuova, lasciandoci meravigliati dal cubo multi-screen con il quale si aveva la sensazione di rimanere avvolti dalle storie. Un Festival a cui hanno partecipato e premiato grandi interpreti del cinema italiano come Elisabetta Pellini, un'artista impegnata col suo lavoro anche nel sociale che con talento e passione ricopre vari ruoli nel mondo del cinema come Attrice, sceneggiatrice e regista! Complimenti a tutta l' organizzazione.

    April 2024
    Response from festival:

    E' stato un onore ospitarvi al PLURIBUS MULTIMEDIA FEST e premiare un lavoro che mette in scena con ironia la mania incontrollabile di farsi i selfie

  • Grazie mille per il BEST AUDIENCE AWARDS. Organizzazione magnifica.

    February 2023
    Response from festival:

    Thank you Francesco Mario. We are proud to welcome and reward talents like you

  • Vittorio Caratozzolo

    Perfect organization, wonderful hospitality, impeccable networking and, last but not least, my students and I won an award for the Best Social Impact short movie.
    BREAKING NEWS! (March, 28, 2024)
    We didn't imagine we could receive such extraordinary news for our short film that won an award last year: thanks to the Pluribus Fest we have the opportunity to stream our short internationally. Congratulations to the Festival staff for the interest and care shown in creating these opportunities for the winning filmmakers.

    February 2023
    Response from festival:

    It was a great honor to welcome and reward your work. You deserved the price. The students guided by Vittorio Caratozzolo made a great work