E?! Environmental Film Festival (E?! Okolišni filmski festival) was first imagined in 2014 by the Activist Group of Zelena akcija, Friends of the Earth Croatia. The aim was to bring the environmental topics closer to the new and wider public through documentary and feature films, as well as other content.

From the villages on another side of the world, small actions that result in big changes, to international contracts behind closed doors, we care about it all; we believe that environmental justice consists of ecological, social and economic justice, and that we cannot observe them individually if we want to achieve the systematic change that we advocate.

We screen films and organize discussions, workshops and related content that informs and inspires, in order to encourage critical thinking, social change, solidarity and action.

The Festival is passionately and voluntarily organized by the Activist Group, and regardless of the resources we have, the entrance to all content is and always will be free. Our primary goal is to spread awareness and mobilize, not to create profits, so...welcome!

The topic of the 11th Environmental film festival is SOLUTIONS.

We invite authors and activists to submit films that have A PROFOUND CONNECTION to the topic of different SOLUTIONS TO ENVIRONMENTAL CRISES.

Possible topics that we would be interested in include:

- community resilience practices
- squats and occupated spaces
- dumpster diving and food recycling principles
- reuse and repair activities for the local community
- urban gardens
- veganism
- eco villages
- sociocracy as decision-making method for communities
- zero waste towns and municipalities
- community energy projects and towns
- degrowth practices
- bicycle as a means of transportation
- seed banks and seed sharing
- permaculture and natural building
- ecofeminist farms
- local currencies
- ZAD and activist practices
- eco-life hacks
and many many other solutions... the point is to screen movies that offer examples of good practices oriented towards solutions to environmental crises and a way towards community resilience.

THAT IS UNRELATED TO THESE TOPICS, as we will automatically disregard it **

Thank you :)

Overall Rating
  • It was good the fil "animal faces" was seleted and watched...

    May 2023
  • Matthieu Lietaert

    Thanks so much for having THE ILLUSION OF ABUNDANCE as the festival opening!

    April 2023
  • Marx Braga

    It was a great joy to be part of the festival's selection. Greetings from Rio de Janeiro!

    April 2023