The Next Step Film Festival venue in Cannes for launching careers.
What happens when movie magic meets the pulse of possibility?
Our festival isn't just about watching films; it's about launching careers.

Picture this: A total of six finalists will enjoy a three-day, all-expenses-paid stay in Cannes. They will be divided into two sessions: the first group of three finalists will attend from May 14th to 17th, with screenings and award ceremony on the 16th, 2025 at the Hilton Hotel Cannes, while the second group will join from May 19th to 22nd with screenings and awards ceremony on the 21st, 2025 at the Hotel Martinez Cannes.
Both sessions will take place during the same period as the world-renowned Cannes Film Festival. You’ll be our special guest!

Additionally, with our special Pass, you’ll gain access to the Marché du Film, where you can freely explore booths and stands from production and distribution companies, TV networks, and other industry players. This is your chance to gather valuable insights and network with key industry figures, seizing golden opportunities that could shape your future.

We're on a quest to uncover the next generation of visionary storytellers.
We're not looking for just good films; we're seeking bold expressions of creativity that push the boundaries of what seems possible. Our mission is to discover creators who harness the power of film to share their unique perspectives and captivate audiences with their fresh, innovative approach. No matter the size of your budget, we believe that true talent shines through. If you can work wonders with limited resources, we know you're ready to tackle the big leagues. We believe that providing the right guidance and mentorship can unleash everyone’s full potential.

Whether you're a filmmaker on the rise or a cinephile looking for the next big thing, the Next Step Film Festival is your ticket to an unforgettable cinematic journey.

Do you have what it takes to be 1 out of 6 finalists?
Picture this: a total of six finalists will enjoy a three-day, all-expenses-paid stay in Cannes. They will be divided into two sessions: the first group of three finalists will attend from May 14th to 17th, 2025, while the second group will join from May 19th to 22nd, 2025.
Both sessions will take place during the same period as the world-renowned Cannes Film Festival. You’ll be our special guest!

As our guest, you’ll enjoy screenings in top-tier venues, with the awards ceremony taking place in the exclusive Hotel Martinez, Cannes.
Additionally, with our special Pass, you’ll gain access to the Marché du Film, where you can freely explore booths and stands from production and distribution companies, TV networks, and other industry players. This is your chance to gather valuable insights and network with key industry figures, seizing golden opportunities that could shape your future.

Whether you’re an emerging filmmaker or a cinephile seeking the next big thing, the Next Step Film Festival is your ticket to an unforgettable cinematic experience.
We're on a quest to uncover the next generation of visionary storytellers.

In the previous edition, screenings of selected films and award ceremony took place on 22nd May, 2024, in the afternoon session from 3 p.m. at Hotel Martinez - Cannes.
The awarded talented filmmakers had the opportunity to attend the Cannes Film Festival as our special guests for three days. During their stay, the winners were guided through the Marché du Film, where they had the chance to gather valuable information and network with professionals from the global film industry.
An unforgettable and unique experience for our talents!

Here are the names of the winners of 𝑵𝙚𝒙𝙩 𝙎𝒕𝙚𝒑 𝑭𝙞𝒍𝙢 𝙁𝒆𝙨𝒕𝙞𝒗𝙖𝒍 Cannes 2024:

🏆 **Jonathan Figoli**

🏆 **Baptiste Denuit**

🏆 **Louise Cristiani**
🎥 Film: KHAOS

🏆 **Eleonora Marinelli**

🏆 **Gael Barboza**

🏆 **Benn Flore**

🏆 **Fabio Riccobono**

Here are the Selected Movies of 𝑵𝙚𝒙𝙩 𝙎𝒕𝙚𝒑 𝑭𝙞𝒍𝙢 𝙁𝒆𝙨𝒕𝙞𝒗𝙖𝒍 Cannes:

Too Young For Love
Director Chrystal Rose

2 Sides of Freedom
Director Paul D Nixon

Screaming Silence
Directors Kalyn Elizabeth Wood, Hal Wagho

The Last Beach
Director Alessandro Onorato

Director Maja Costa

Director Ignazio Vacca

Director Kristina Obame

Paramedics: Emergency Response, Season 7
Director Antonio Hrynchuk

Director Sofia Garza-Barba

Sweet Molly
Director J.C. McNaughton

Paris & Basketball
Director Alejandro Narciso

Director Shubh Mukherjee

Director Andrew Ogorodnikov

The Two of Us
Director Conor Struan Forrest

Director Gustavo Andres Menese

By Gregory Scelsa

Director Jim Menza

Director Dan Hertzog


Trash Day
Director Ivica Marc

Love & Death
Director Greg Radi

Toby Needs a Hug
Director Jack Engelbrecht

Director Cameron Tyler Carr

Director Yura Vavilov

Homefront: A Dothan Story
Director Parvi Anand

Al Bangeri
Director Moosa Nasser Alkindi

The Other's Words
Director Corentin BURGUIERE

The Night Duty
Director Zhang

The Girl Who Faded Away
Director Brent Heise

Director Marc Svahnström

Director Amir Zargara

Director Jay Najeeah

We will consider films in all genres under 30 minutes. We consider a short short to be under 3 minutes. Filmmakers should be certify they have the rights to music used in their films. Please upload a digital screener to FilmFreeway or email a private YouTube or Vimeo link to
We are autonomous and independent from Festival de Cannes.

Overall Rating
  • eleonora marinelli

    Soggiorno piacevole in Cannes grazie ad Umberto, direttore del festival, che ha scelto il mio film come vincitore.
    La comunicazione avrebbe potuto avere maggiori accortezze ma sono stati comunque giorni splendidi con persone altrettanto belle!
    Alla prossima Umberto 👋🏻

    August 2024
  • Maja Costa

    Our film was screened on May 22 at the Next Steps Film Festival in Cannes. Thank you for showcasing our work!

    July 2024
  • Jack Engelbrecht

    This was my first film and thus also my first participation in a film festival. All selected films were shown at Hotel Martinez. I couldn't attend myself, and was pleasantly surprised when the organizers send me a short video of my film playing in front of their audience. Great festival to consider if you've just made your first short and feel confident about it.

    July 2024
  • gael barboza

    My film was selected in this festival.
    It was an amazing experience in Cannes during 3 days !
    Thank you ✨

    June 2024
  • Sono onorato di aver partecipato alla prima edizione del Next Step Film Festival a Cannes e desidero condividere la mia esperienza positiva con tutti.

    **Networking e Accredito:**
    Ho ricevuto l'accredito per l'accesso quotidiano al Marché du Film, che mi ha permesso di partecipare a numerosi eventi di networking, incontrare professionisti del settore e discutere di progetti futuri. L'opportunità di connettermi con altri filmmaker e produttori è stata inestimabile.

    **Trofeo del Vincitore:**
    Sono stato gratificato con un trofeo, un simbolo tangibile del riconoscimento del mio lavoro. È un onore che custodirò con orgoglio.

    **Proiezione del Film:**
    Il mio film è stato proiettato il 22 maggio all'Hotel Martinez di Cannes, un'esperienza straordinaria e un momento di grande emozione. La location prestigiosa ha reso l'evento ancora più speciale.

    **Alloggio e Spese:**
    NSFF ha coperto tutte le spese per i tre giorni dell'evento, inclusi i biglietti aerei, l'alloggio e i pasti. Questa generosa copertura ha reso la mia partecipazione priva di stress e mi ha permesso di concentrarmi interamente sull'esperienza del festival.

    In conclusione, il Next Step Film Festival è stato organizzato in maniera impeccabile e ha offerto opportunità concrete e gratificanti per tutti i partecipanti. Raccomando vivamente a tutti i filmmaker di partecipare alle future edizioni.

    Grazie :)

    June 2024