I am a pilgrim. The stories, films, photographs, and friendships I cultivate sprouts out from sojourning. My gaze has been guided by the artist Isabelle Cedotti, who I have the privilege to accompany. My main teachers of the image are Tarkovsky, Tarr, Fellini, Mario Peixoto, Dreyer, Kurosawa, etc. My films are made from a way of living. I search no particular theme, I follow mainly what my guts are telling me. I also pursued my doctorate in Environment and Society at the State University of Campinas after completing a Master in Political Ecology from the University of São Paulo. My undergraduate studies were in International Relations (2012) and Economics. As a researcher, my areas of interest include political ecology, environmental sociology, spiritual ecologies, and the radical critique of industrialisation. I worked with the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean in the Division of Social Development, acting in the area of Latin American youth. I am co-founder of the Thinking After Ivan Illich project and the periodical Conspiratio.