Welcome to the NFFTY Level Up Challenge Hub! NFFTY is the world’s largest, most influential film festival for emerging filmmakers 24 years old and younger. This is where we’ll be hosting quarterly challenges throughout the year, and first up is a One-Take Film Challenge!

Working solo or with a maximum of 4 other filmmakers, produce a short film between 1 and 3 minutes using a single take. Each film submitted must consist of one continuous take -- no hidden or obvious cuts. You can add sound design, titles, and color correction, but no cutting your footage. Any and all genres allowed!

Three finalist films will be chosen from each category and submitted to the judging panel for Grand Prize consideration. We’ll also be hosting all qualifying entries for free on NFFTY Now, where everyone can vote for the Audience Choice Award.

See below for the full list of rules!

If you have any questions or need assistance with the submission fee, please email levelup@nffty.org.

Audience Award Winner:
- NFFTY T-Shirt/Swag
- Filmmaking Book from Michael Wiese Productions
- One (1) Waiver Code to Submit to NFFTY 2022*

- NFFTY T-Shirt/Swag
- Filmmaking Book from Michael Wiese Productions
- One (1) Waiver Code to Submit to NFFTY 2022*

Grand Prize Winners:
- NFFTY T-Shirt
- Filmmaking Book from Michael Wiese Productions
- One (1) Waiver Code to Submit to NFFTY 2022*
- $100 Cash Prize
- Two (2) All-Access Passes to NFFTY 2022

* the submitted film does not have to be your One-Take film

In order to ensure films are created solely for this competition, every film that is submitted MUST include one specific item: A MAP

The map does not need to be integral to the story, and it doesn’t have to be a physical object, but you must either show a map or include the word “map” at some point in the film.

- All participating filmmakers must be 24 years old or younger at the time of project completion
- Films must be no longer than 3 minutes and no shorter than 1 minute in length
- All music and other copyrighted material used in the film must be properly licensed
- All films must be in English or subtitled in English
- All films must be the original work of the submitter created solely for the purpose of this competition
- NFFTY reserves the right to omit any submission from the live program at our sole discretion