Video Arte Faenza its a contemporary international video art screening. Started in 2018 with screening scenarios in Colombia and Cuba
The first display was screened in May 2018. 70 video works were screened in the programmes: ‘Feel-it’, ‘Abstract-it’, ‘Play Local’ and ‘Ephemeral’ together with the screening of the video work by guest artists Miler Lagos and Ricardo Moreno
The second edition was screened in May 2019. 82 video works from 73 different countries were selected and curated in the programmes ‘Abstract-it’, ‘Human’, ‘Play Local’ and ‘Social does not mean nonpolitical’ together with the video work by guest artists Mario Opazo (retrospective of his video work) and Mauricio Rivera Henao.
VAF travelled to Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, in 2019, by invite from artist and curator Frank Lahera O’Callaghan and Asociación de los Hermanos Saíz -AHS-, whom with VAF begins an official association, adding Cuba as an scenario to screen VAF yearly, in the Caribbean isle.
The third edition took place in Bogota at the Jorge Eliecer Gaitán Theatre in May 2021 and was presented again in September of the same year in the City of Medellin at the Bolivarian Pontifical University. For this edition we received pieces from more than 80 countries. It was carried out restrospectiva of the artists HUGUES CLÉMENT and CALDERÓN & PIÑEROS: THE DECANATURA. And there was also the exchange of the curatorship of the Mexican VideoTitlan festival of the city and Oaxaca.
For the new edition opens call this 2023