Mosaic Film Festival is dedicated to discovering true talents in the film industry who have not yet become internationally renowned. The screening of the winners takes place in a unique location in the city, namely at Casa da Juventude da Tapada das Meroês, a youth center surrounded by greenery in the picturesque district of Tapada das Meroês. This unique center not only serves as a venue for film screenings but also serves as a source of inspiration for the youth. It contributes to the development of creative potential by providing young people with opportunities for self-expression, skill development, and participation in social activities.
The festival offers a rich spectrum of film screenings. In a small yet cozy auditorium, audiences can immerse themselves in the world of global cinema. The program includes full-length films, short films, avant-garde works, art-house cinema, festival pieces, and contemporary intellectual cinema. But this is not the full range of film screenings at our festival. The festival is scheduled to take place on August 1, 2024, offering a unique opportunity for emerging talents to showcase their work.
The Mosaic Film Festival is a place where a knowledgeable jury evaluates not only the financial aspect of your film but, on the contrary, emphasizes the search and recognition of new authors with undeniable talent and taste. At our festival, you can explore a multitude of genres and styles, as well as witness the art of cinema in all its glory. We strive to support diversity and originality in the world of cinematic arts, providing the audience with access to and experimental film genres.
PT (Português)
O Mosaic Film Festival dedica-se a descobrir talentos na indústria cinematográfica que ainda não são internacionalmente reconhecidos. A exibição dos vencedores ocorre na Casa da Juventude da Tapada das Meroês, um centro juvenil no pitoresco bairro de Tapada das Meroês. Este centro serve como local para exibições de filmes e fonte de inspiração para jovens, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento criativo. O festival oferece uma variedade de exibições, incluindo longas, curtas, avant-garde e cinema intelectual. O Mosaic Film Festival apoia diversidade e inovação no cinema, representando uma arte inspiradora que incentiva o pensamento e apoia cineastas jovens.
Our experts will carefully select films for the official selection from the pool of nominees. Films presented at the event will be chosen from the official selection and showcased on our website. The best of them will be honored with awards in various categories of our film festival.