Mental Filmness is a Chicago-based film festival showcasing films about mental health. The festival is dedicated to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health by sharing stories and promoting empathy for those who live with a chronic mental health disorder or those who have experienced a mental health issue.
We are especially interested in challenging stereotypes, showing different perspectives, and informing and enlightening the general public about mental health.
We define “mental health” as a broad umbrella that encompasses any issue related to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, or our overall mental fitness.
Mental Filmness is now a hybrid festival, with live screenings hosted in Chicago and virtual screenings hosted by the Eventive platform. Both parts of the festival begin on or around World Mental Health Day on October 10; the virtual festival is typically open for streaming throughout the month of October.
Selection of your film ensures it a place in our virtual festival. We will be able to screen a limited number of films in Chicago and that could be a possibility as well, though not guaranteed.
Our festival gives out awards based on some of our objectives. There will be a Stigma Breaker award for the film we feel most effectively battles the stigma of mental illness. There will be a Realism Award for the film we feel most realistically depicts its condition. There will be an Empathy Award for the film that we feel best promotes empathy for mental illness. There will be no cash value for these awards--but you can say that you are an award winner and add some nice laurels to your media!