Marlin Darrah is probably the world’s most traveled filmmaker.
Darrah's 45 years of award-winning production experience have taken him to more than 140 countries worldwide, yielding more than 100 documentary, travel-adventure programs and dramatic movies to date. In addition, Darrah tours extensively throughout the U.S. presenting his dozens of recently-produced travel features to audiences at theaters and universities.
In September of 2014, Darrah was honored with a Knighthood in the Royal House of Portugal, by His Royal Highness Dom Duarte Pio, for his work in Portugal and for his many international cultural and documentary productions.
Darrah’s international shots have been aired on programs appearing on all the major television networks, including PBS, History Channel and Discovery Channel. His geo-travel lectures and features have been presented to audiences in more than 100 theaters and auditoriums across America, including venues such as the Harvard Club and the Philadelphia Geographical Society.
Recently a two-hour documentary that Darrah shot and directed in Egypt was screened at the Cairo Opera House to an audience of 3000 guests.
National Geographic represents and markets thousands of Darrah’s best international shots.
Darrah also wrote, directed and produced an acclaimed 90-minute dramatic feature film, “Monsoon Wife,” in Cambodia – the first American movie shot entirely in that SE Asian country since “Lord Jim.” Universal Studios acquired Darrah’s movie and television rights have been sold to more than 10 countries. Darrah recently co-wrote, directed and produced two movies: The 85-minute adventure-suspense drama AMAZON QUEEN, filmed entirely on-location in the Brazilian Amazon; and the thriller-romance movie AN EGYPT AFFAIR, filmed entirely in Egypt in 2022.
Darrah’s productions have screened and won top awards and nominations at more than 140 national and international film festivals from Rome to New York and Los Angeles.
As presented by his fellow travel producers and peers, Darrah recently received the Travel Adventure Cinema magazine’s Bertrand Holmes Award for best travel film showcase.
A producer at National Geographic recently said this about Marlin. “If I could trade eyeballs with anyone in the world, it would be Marlin. He has seen more of our world than anyone I have ever met, and that includes hard-core travelers at National Geographic, who are a dime a dozen. He lives the life I can only dream of.”
When not on the road, Marlin can be found in Portland, Oregon with his 22 year-old daughter, Maya, or in LA with his wife and producing partner, Lin Zuo (born in Beijing).
Best International Feature Film / Best Director
Amazon Queen
Indo-French International Film Festival
Best Director
Amazon Queen
Anatolia International Film Festival
Best Feature Film, Diamond Award
Amazon Queen
Hollywood Film Competition
Best Feature Film
Amazon Queen
London International Film Festival
Best Feature Film / Best Producer
Amazon Queen
Europe Independent Film Festival
Best Trailer
Amazon Queen
Amsterdam International Film Festival
Best Feature Film
Amazon Queen
Mediterranean Film Festival
Best Thriller / Best Cinematographer
Amazon Queen
Las Vegas International Film Festival
Las Vegas
Best International Feature Film
Amazon Queen
United States Film Festival
Best Production
Amazon Queen
Continental Film Festival
Best Feature Film
Amazon Queen

Boden Sweden International Film Festival
Best Director
Amazon Queen
Palm Beach Film Festival
Palm Beach
Honorable Mention Award
Amazon Queen
France International Film Festival
Best Feature Film
Amazon Queen
Florence Film Awards
Best Feature Film
Amazon Queen
San Pedro International Film Festival
San Pedro
Best Indie Feature / Best Director
Amazon Queen
Istanbul Film Awards
Best Feature Film
Amazon Queen
Washington Film Festival
Washington, DC
Best Action Feature Film / Best Cinematography
Amazon Queen
Eastern Europe International Movie Awards
Best Feature Film
Amazon Queen
New York City Film & Television Festival
New York City
Best Film / Best Director
Amazon Queen
Prague International Film Festival
Best Action Feature / Best Director / Best Actor / Best Actress
Amazon Queen
Rome International Movie Awards
Best Film
Amazon Queen
Barcelona International Film Festival
Best Sound Design
Amazon Queen
Paris International Film Awards
Best Feature Film
Amazon Queen
Naples Film Awards
Best Indie Film
Amazon Queen
Miami Indie Film Awards
Best Thriller
Amazon Queen
Berlin International Art Film Festival
Best International Feature
Amazon Queen
Toronto Independent Film Festival
Best International Feature Film
Amazon Queen
New York Independent Cinema Awards
New York City
University of Oregon
High School
North Eugene
Birth Date
March 23, 1956
Birth City
Eugene, Oregon USA
Current City
Los Angeles
Portland, Oregon USA
6' 1"
Eye Color
Zodiac Sign
Married To
Lin Zuo
Maya McDarragh
Marlin's filmmaking experiences (in some 140 countries) have been a little on the edge at times. He has had breakfast with reformed cannibals in New Guinea … and dinner with assassins and warlords in Pakistan. He’s been knife attacked by an old, but perhaps well-meaning woman in China. Lots of guns waved around him or in his direction in several countries. For his filmmaking, he’s been interrogated in a couple dozen countries, from Cuba to Russia to Egypt. Also he’s had the pleasure of being assaulted and nearly kidnapped by Taliban in Afghanistan. A Madagascar witch doctor cast a dreaded curse on him. Marlin has swam with Amazon piranha, then caught and ate them before they could do the same to him. He’s been robbed often and had to chase after thieves in several countries (Chile, Peru, Madagascar, etc), but rarely catching them. He’s sat with Saudi princes and expected to eat sheep eyes for appetizers. He’s also feasted on insects, bamboo worms and beetle larvae (better when lightly roasted or fried with butter and garlic). Anything to be accepted by his hosts in various countries.
All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. - T. E. Lawrence
Marlin Darrah is probably the world’s most traveled filmmaker.
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